In order to clarify the species composition of freshwater zooplankton community inhabiting Lake Sochonji and chonji on the top of Mt. Paektu, the present study have been carried out based on the materials collected during the periods from 24 to 25 July, 1997. As a result of examing the specimens, from the Lake Chonji, a total of 10 species (Keratella cochlearis cochlearis, K. quadrata quadrata, K. valga valga, Notholca squmula squmula, Colurella adriatica adriatica, Lepadella patella patella, Lecane hua luna, L. (Monostyla) bulla bulla, Cephalodella gibba gibba, philodina roseola) appeared rotifers only. >From the lake Sochonji, a total of 7 species were identified. It consists of 3 species (Keratella valga valga, Cephalodella gibba gibba, Asplanchna (Asplanchnella) brightwelli) of rotifers, 2 species (Daphnia hyalina, Alona quadrangularis) of cladocerans, and 2 species (Acanthodiaptomus pacificus, Bryocamptus zschokkei caucassicus) of copepods, respectively. Also, appeared nauplius of copepoda.