잎 들깨 품종의 선발을 위하여 들깨 91품종의 집단에서 8개 형질에 대한 유전력 및 유전 상관을 추정하여 잎 들깨 양적 형질의 효율적 선발에 대한 유용한 정보를 얻기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였던 바 그결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 유전력은 엽중, 엽면적, 엽장, 엽폭, 초장, 경직경, 마디수가 0.7311~09112로서 높았고, 1주엽수가 0.3241로서 다소 낮았다. 유전 상관은 엽중과 엽면적, 엽중과 엽장, 엽중과 엽폭, 엽중과 초장, 엽중과 경직성, 초장과 경직경, 초장과 마디수, 경직경과 마디수 사이에서 각각 +로 유의하였다. 모든 형질간의 상관관게어세 유전상관의 값이 표현형 상관의 값보다 높았다.
These studies were carried out to obtain useful information about the effective selection of vegetable perilla by estimating the genetic relationships between the heritabilities and the genetic correlations of quantitative traits among eight agronomic characters from 91 perilla varieties. The positive correlations were showed among characters such as between leaf weight and leaf size, leaf weight and leaf length, leaf weight and leaf width, leaf weight and plant height, leaf weight and stem diameter, leaf size and leaf length, leaf size and leaf width, leaf size and plant height, leaf size and stem diameter , leaf length and leaf width, leaf length and plant height, leaf length and stem diameter, leaf width and plant height, leaf width and stem diameter, plant height and stem diameter, plant height and the number of internodes per plant, and the number of internodes per plant and the number of leaves per plant. Heritabilities were high as from 0.7311 to 0.9112 among leaf weight, leaf size, leaf length, leaf width, plant height, stem diameter, and the number of internodes per plant.