A Study on the Men's Underclothes of Renaissance Ages

르네상스시대의 남성속옷에 관한 고찰

  • Published : 1998.09.01


This is a study on the Men's Underclothes of Renassience Ages. The changes associated with the Tudor regime were sufficiently profound to afect the nature and purpose of underclothes. Ceasing to be merely a layer serving to protect the skin, they now began to assist the external costume of both sexes in expressing class distinction. In order to attract still greater attention, the edge of the shirt was ruffled at the neck, a decoration which soon developed into a separate accessory, the ruff. The waistcoat, which originally was an under-garment, was shown, when the doublet was taken off, en deshabille. Thus we see that for men in the sixteenth century the undergarment was no longer an obscure drudge, but was promoted to serve in the general mode of expressing what the whole costume so extravagantly announced ; and likewise to share in that extreme degree of the social superior. The pinched waist of both sexes was not so much for sex attraction, but to signify social superiority. In the period under considera-tion, then, from the Tudors to the end of the Jacobeans, the new function of underclothes was much the same for both sexes ; to exploit the grandeur of the costume as evidence of rank, and only by that indirect method to add to the wearer's sex attractions.
