한국 복식사의 방법-30년의 회고를 겸하여-

On the Method of History of Korean Costume

  • 이경자 (이화여자대학교 장식미술학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


The purpose of this paper is to explore a new methodology for the historiography of Korean cos-tumes. In particular, I focus on the possibility for systematic, historical methods appropriate for the history of Korean costumes. First, I characterize the general historiography of costumes as involving two aspects-one as the social science and the other as historical science(Geschichteswissenschaft). My contention is that any historical study of costume should be established on the intersection of social and historical studies, and their entangling relations with many a neighboring field of sciences. It requires in other words, an interdisciplinary approach that combines various methodologies of social sciences as well as those of history. Second, I present an overall review of the historical methodology with a special emphasis on the“Quellenkunde”of orthodox historiography. Building on the review, third, I pay attention to recent innovations in historical methodologies, such as“New History”that draws on history, sociology and social history, and their applicability to the history of Korean costmes. In this regards. I adress among others, the following theoretical perspectives : 1) comparioson and comparative history, 2) the formatived and paternal approaches toward the history of costume, 3) particulartiy and universality of Korean costume. I conclued that the history of Korean costumes should broaden its theoretical horizon in order to accomodate a wider range of research agenda, including costumes of neighboring cultures, while remaining sensitive to new theories and methods of the neighboring social historical sciences. For this purpose, it is emphasized that an international collaboration among researchers of the region, as well as that across the different disciplinnary boundaries, is indispensable for successful studies that can embrace diverse fields and areas.
