Taxonomy of Cerianthus filiformis (Ceriantharia, Anthozoa) and Its Phoronid Associate, Phoronis australis in Korea

  • Song, Jun-Im (Department of Biological Science, Ehwa Womans University)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


The tube anemone, Cerianthus filiformis Carlgren, was collected from nine localities in the Yellow Sea and the Korea Strait (the South Sea). Populations at different localities showed color variations in tentacles from pale brown to violet. This species is redescribed here because it shows the color variation and the association with the phoronid, Phoronis australis, which was newly recorded from Korean waters. The phoronid has black to purple tentacles shaded with the same color as the cerianthid's tube for mimicking.



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