학교도서관 자료기준에 관한 고찰

A study on the standard of school library materials

  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


In contemporary education, a school library is considered and valued as a vital and integral component of a school's instructional program. Especially, school library materials should contribute to execution of school curriculums through wide provision of resources. The results of the study are as follows. 1. The term 'library materials' should be changed into 'library resources' with a broad meaning. And, the scope of school library materials should include printed materials, audio-visual materials, electronic materials, associated equipment and other library resources. 2. It is desirable that the minimal standards of total collection is 5 books and 3 AV for a student in elementary schools, 7 books and 5 AV for a student in middle schools, 10 books and 7 AV for a student in high schools. 3. Annual growth is 0.5 for a student in elementary schools, 1 for a student in middle schools and 1.5 copy for a student in high schools. And, the number of minimal serials is 20 titles in elementary schools, 30 titles in middle schools and 50 tides in high schools. 4. Besides, basic collection, with the advances of technology, the school library collection should include new formats and delivery systems such as CD, video discs, videotex, computer software, satellite transmission etc. 5. The recommendable annual ratio of withdrawl is 3 to 5% for update and functional materials.
