산화촉매에 의한 대형디젤엔진의 배출가스 정화 특성 - Reactor 실험을 중심으로 -

Characteristics of Exhaust Emission Reduction of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine by Oxidation Catalyst - Reactor Test -

  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


The most desirable diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) should have the properties of oxidibing CO and HC effectively at low exhaust gas temperature while minimizing the formation of sulfate at high exhaust gas temperature. Precious metals such as platinum and palladium have been known to be sufficiently active for oxidizing CO and HC and also to have high activity for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to sulfor trioxide (SO3). There is a need to develop a highly selective catalyst which can promote the oxidation of CO and HC efficiently, but, on the other hand, suppress the oxidation of SO2. One approach to solve this problem is to load a base metal such as vanadium in Pt-based catalyst to suppress sulfate formation. In this study, a Pt-V catalyst was prepared by impregnating platinum and vanadium onto a Ti-Si wash coated catalyst in a laboratory reactor by changing the formulations and reaction temperatures.



  1. 한국대기보전학회 v.13 no.6 경유 중 황이 산화 촉매 장착 디젤엔진의 입자상물질에 미치는 영향 조강래;류정호;신영조;김희강
  2. SAE paper 870251 Diesel particulate SOF emissions reduction using an exhaust catalyst Andrews, G.E.;I.E. Iheozor-Ehiofor;S.W. Pang
  3. SAE paper 9103028 SOF reduction and sulfate formation characteristics by diesel catalyst Arai Minoru
  4. SAE paper 902110 Catalyst consideration for diesel converters Douglass, J. Ball;Robert G. Stack
  5. Korea-German Catalysis Symposium Catalytic diesel emission control for passenger cars and heavy duty vehicles Engler, B.H.
  6. SAE paper 932720 A base metal oxide catalyst for reduction of diesel particulate Farrauto, R.J.;K.E. Voss;R.M. Heck
  7. SAE paper 920852 Effects of sulfate adsorption on performance of diesel oxidation catalysts Harayama, N.;K. Niimura;Y. Watanabe
  8. SAE paper 810112 Assessment of diesel particulate control-direct and catalytic oxidation Murphy, M.J.;L.J. Hillenbrand;D.A. Trayder;J.H. Wasser
  9. SAE paper 940240 Development of oxidation catalyst for diesel engine Ogura, Y.;K. Kibe;S. Kaneko;Y. Ito
  10. SAE paper 920558 Fuel sulfur effects on automotive catalyst performance Summers, J.C.;J.F. Skowron;W.B. Williamson;K.I. Mitchell
  11. SAE paper 940239 Performance characteristics of a novel diesel oxidation catalyst Voss, K.;B.Y.C. Hirt;R. Farrauto
  12. SAE paper 930130 The design of flow-through diesel oxidation catalysts Wyatt, M.;W.A. Manning;S.A. Roth;M.J. D'Aniello;E.S. Andersson;S.C.G. Fredholm
  13. SAE paper 900602 Ways toward the clean heavy duty diesel Zelenka, P.;W. Krieler;P.L. Herzog;W.P. Cartillieri