혼합형 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 웹 기반의 차량 경로 문제

WWW-based Vehicle Routing Problem using Mixed Genetic Algorithm

  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


This study is concerned with developing a heuristic for a web-based vehicle routing problem using mixed genetic algorithm(VRPMGA) which determines each vehicle route in order to minimize the transportation costs, subject to meeting the demands of all delivery points. VRP is known to be NP-hard, and it needs a lot of computing time to get the optimal solution, so that heuristics are more frequently developed than optimal algorithms. This study aims to develop a mixed genetic algorithm by partitioned strategy which can give a good solution in comparatively brief time. The good features of the VRPMGA are, fristly, the ability of early convergence and, secondly, the capability of producing multiple, alternative, and near-optimal solutions. The VRPMGA is a useful algorithm that can be appliable to VRP and TSP. Finally, the computational test were performed using the benchmark problems and the proposed heuristic is compared with the other existing algorithms (COSA). The result of computational tests shows that proposed heuristic gives good solutions, in much shorter time, which are same as the best known solutions in the pervious research.
