Software Testing/Evaluation Strategy and Plan for the Military Information Systems

군용정보시스템의 소프트웨어 시험평가 전략 및 계획 - “차세대 한국형 워게임 모델”중심으로 -

  • 김화수 (국방대학원 전자계산학과)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


This paper is aimed to propose an testing and evaluation strategy and plan in Military Information Systems, especially focusing on development an“New-generation Wargame Model”. Through this research, we concluded that the effective and efficient testing/evaluation strategy/plan can aid the productivity, maintainability, availability, etc., of the Militray Information Systems. Highlights of the proposed testing and evaluation strategy and plan for Military Information Systems are as follows. First, in the unit and module integration testing phase, hybrid of black-box and white-box testing techniques are available for Military Information Systems and progressive approach for module integration phase should be considered because of the complexity. Second, in the system testing phase, integrated module should be tested with respect to the function and performance that should be satisfied with the user requirements, specifications, risk analysis, etc., Third, in the acceptance testing phase, reliability, interoperability, maintainability, availability, integrity, etc., must be considered in the actual or mini-operational environments for testing efficiently and effectively.
