• 발행 : 1998.10.01


The current status of flat panel display (FPD) technologies is outlined, with emphasis on liquid crystal displays(LCDs). The principles of a number of LCDs are explained and compared with alternative technologies on the flat panel market. Recently annuounced LCDs, their structures, and their underlying technologies are summarized and compared.



  1. Appliance Eng. v.2 Dynamic scattering in liquid crystal Heilmeier, G. H.
  2. Appl. Phys. v.11 Voltage-dependent optical activity of a twisted nematic Schadt, M.;W. Helfrich
  3. Introduction to liquid crystals Collings, P. J.;M. Hird
  4. Japanese Technology Reviews v.29 TFT-LCD Tsukada, T.
  5. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. v.152 Material properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals and their relevance for applications and devices Lagerwall, S. T.;B. Otterholem;K. Skarp
  6. SID'91 Digest Display applications of antiferroelectric liquid crystals Ouchi, Y.;H. Takezoe;A. Fukada
  7. Appl. Phys. Lett. v.25 Bistability behavoir of texture in cholestrics in an electric field Greubel, W.
  8. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. v.138 Dichronic dyes for guest-host liquid crystal cells Seki, H.;T. Uchid;Y. Shibata
  9. IEEE Current trends in polymer dispersed liquid crystals Doane, J. W.;D. K. Yang;L. C. Chien
  10. Ph. D. Thesis Philips Research Lab. Netherlands The SSFLC structure and its bistability Hartmann, W. J. A. M.
  11. SID'90 Digest A color display using polymer dispersed chiral liquid crystals Crooker, P. P.;D. K. Yang
  12. Proc. SID. v.31 A 12-inch full color a-Si:H TFT-LCD with pixel electrode buried in gate insulator Moriyama, H.
  13. Japan Display'89 Digest Poly-Si TFTs for large area applications Morozumi, S.
  14. SID'91 Digest A 13-inch Diagonal B/W MIM-LCD for workstation Nagashima, K.(et al.)