소 체외성숙 난자의 세포질내 정자주입에 의한 수정율 향상에 관한 연구

Studies on the Improvement of Fertilization Rates Using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with In Vitro Matured Oocytes

  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


This study was carried out to investigate on the improvement of fertilizing ability of in vitro matured oocytes from sperm density, motility and polyvinylpyrrolidine (PVP) concentration, by intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) into the bovine oocytes. 1. The in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of oocytes from 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 ($\times$106/ml) sperm concentration by IVF and ICSI of bovine oocytes were 45.0%~65.0%, 65.0%~90.0% and 10.0%~30.0%, 35.0%~70.0%, respectively. 2. The in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of oocytes from 20, 40, 60, 80% of sperm motility by IVF and ICSI of bovine oocytes were 47.8%~75.0%, 78.3%~90.0% and 8.7%~25.0%, 34.8%~70.0%, respectively. 3. The in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of oocytes from 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05% of PVP concentration by microinjection of single into the bovine oocytes were 72.7%, 90.9%, 83.3%, 76.9% and 45.5%, 72.7%, 58.3%, 61.5%, respectively and these values of 0.02% addition of PVP were higher than other concentrations of PVP. 4. The in vitro fertilization and developmental rates of oocytes by IVF and ICSI methods were 63.3%~64.6%, 26.7%~29.2% and 88.2%, 47.1%, respectively. This ICSI method was improved high fertilization rates of bovined oocytes.
