A Study on the Quantity Food Production Practices of Foodservice in Sangju and Near-by Region

상주 및 인근지역 단체급식소의 다량조리 실태 연구 -식단분석 및 다량조리 실태-

  • 박모라 (상주산업대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김귀영 (상주산업대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박필숙 (상주산업대학교 식품영양학 과) ;
  • 강우원 (상주산업대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1998.03.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate quantity food production practices in foodservices by analysing the menus of April, 1996, The questionnaire was developed and responded to by 96 dietitians in Sangju, Munkyung, Gumee, Kimchun, and Andong during November, 1996. The survey was performed by simple random samplings. The results were as follosw; 1. Hospitals and industry served food for thirty days and schools for twenty days. Kimchi was a select-menu for hospitals and one side dish for industry and schools. The type of menu was a single use menu which consisted of cooked rice, soups and three side dishes. 2. The most frequently used ingredients were green onions, rice, carrots, onions, Korean radish roots, pork, eggs, glutinous rice, and milk. Kimchis were served most frequently in all food services and cooked rices and soups were next. 3. The age of most of the respondents was 26 to 30.54.2% of subjects were juniou college graduates and 77.1% were single. Fifty seven point three percent of the dietitians lived with family relatives, or friends. 87.5% of the dietitians had been working for 1 to 5 years. 4. Most foodservices were self-operated. The number of meals served was determined by meal coupon counting in hospitals(37.5%), meal board counting in industry(29.2%), and attendance card counting in schools(41.1%) The cost of sales per meal was approximately 2,450 won in hospitals and was approximately 1,100 won in industry and schools. The average number of days per menucycle was 7.4 in hospitals. 10.3 in industry and 25.5 in schools. Hospitals, industry, and schools held about 118, 265 and 263 recipes respectively. The average number of dietitians was 2.6 in hospitals and 1.0 in industry and schools. Except for the number of recipes, the general practices of foodservices were significantly different(P<0.05). 5. In the general quantity food production, food and seasonings measuring was hardly done. the percentage of foodservices using chemical seasonings was higher in hospitals and industry than in schools. the most important concern was taste, Registered cooks were employed in 75% of schools but only 50.0% in hospitals and 20.8% in industry. Most of the dietitians respinded that their cooks skill was not bad. The education of unregistered cooks was performen once or two times a month in hospitals and industry, and in schools performed everyday. The problem when educating cooks was the lack of cooking skill of the dietitians in schools, and the lack of time in hospitals, and the negative attitude toward education in industry. The method for improving cooking in all foodservices was OJT, or the extension of education facilities and the development and dissemination of standard recipes. The frequency of throwing away leftovers was higher in hospitals. But in industry, the frequency of saving leftovers was higher. 6. Though all foodservices have standard recipes, the number that used them was low, Another problem is that standard recipes resulted in leftovers. The inconveniences of using standard recipes were the difficulty of applying standard recipes to various numbers of customers the complication of use, or facility insufficiency.



  1. 월간식당 v.2 단체급식 산업의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래 양일선
  2. 국민영양 v.9 전통식품의 식단구성과 그 시대적 조화 조정순
  3. 한국식문화학회지 v.8 no.3 부산 경남지역 산업체 단체급식소의 급식체계에 대한 조사연구 이명해;류은순;강현주
  4. 한국조리과학회지 v.9 no.3 서울지역 산업체급식소의 운영관리 실태조사 및 평가 전희정
  5. 대한영양사회 학술지 v.1 no.1 임상영양사의 업무수행 현항에 관한 연구 류은순;홍성지;허계영
  6. 국민영양 v.11 중 · 고등학교의 학교급식이 나아가야할 방향 이원묘
  7. 단체급식 현기순;홍성지;임양순;이애랑
  8. J.Am Dietet A. v.90 Consumer's perceptions of hospital food and dietary service Delocu,D.;Cremer,M.
  9. Foodservice standard in Resorts Guest satisfaction and consideration Symington,L.E.
  10. 단체급식관리 손대현;전희정;지순
  11. 대한영양사회 학술지 v.3 no.1 간 ?량 비율과 제조방법에 따른 간 소시지의 기호도에 관한 연구 이숙미;조정순
  12. 한국식생활문화학회지 v.9 no.3 단체급식소에서 제공되는 국류의 적정온도에 관한 연구 임양이;김혜영
  13. 국민영양 v.3 표준조리레시피의 확립 곽동경
  14. 한국조리과학회지 v.10 no.2 탁아기관의 급식개선을 위한 식단의 운용시험 곽동경;조유선;이혜상
  15. 대한영양사회 학술지 v.1 no.1 학교급식비 관리의 효율적 개선을 위한 연구-공동조리 및 단독조리 급식학교의 비교 최은희;이진미;곽동경
  16. 국민영양 v.6 음식물쓰레기 줄이기 종합대책과 집단급식소에서 대응방안 이규만
  17. 한국조리과학회지 v.13 no.1 초등학교 급식의 잔식량에 관한 연구 박금순;민영희
  18. 성신여자대학교 생활문화연구논문집 v.3 단체급식소에서 제공되는 음식온도의 기호성에 관한 연구 조윤선;김혜영
  19. 성신여자대학교 생활문화연구논문집 단체급식소에서 제공되는 음식의 적정분량 설정에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)-국민학교 급식을 중심으로 김혜영;김춘매;고성희
  20. 한국식생활문화학회지 v.11 no.2 보육시설 급식소의 운영현황 및 급식실태조사 곽동경;이혜상;장미라;홍완수;윤계순;류은순;김은경;최은희;이경은
  21. 한국식생활문화학회지 v.11 no.5 국민영양조사를 이용한 우리나라 다소비 식품의 섭취량에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) 계승희;이행신;박미아;문현경
  22. J. A. Dietet A. v.33 Effect of food preference on Nutrition Intake Young,C.M.;Laforture,T.D.
  23. 국민영양 v.12 no.4 한국인의 식품소비형태 문현경
  24. 한국식생활문화학회지 v.11 no.5 국민영양조사를 이용한 우리나라 다소비 식품의 섭취량에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) 계승희;이행신;박미아;문현경
  25. 한국조리과학회지 v.9 no.2 산업체급식소의 급식관리 실태에 관한 조사연구 유정희
  26. 대한가정학회지 v.25 no.4 산업체 단체급식소의 관리개선을 위한 실태조사 이영란;류은순;곽동경