Signal Transduction in Wound Pharmacology

  • Kim, Wiliam June-Hyun (Laboratory of Developmental biology and Repair, Room H-169, New York University Medical Center) ;
  • George K. Gittes (Laboratory of Developmental Biology and Repair) ;
  • Michael T. Longaker (laboratory of Developmental biology and Repair)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


Gorwth factors such as TGF-beta, PDGF and FGF are thought to play important roles in wound healing. However, thier biological activity and signal transduction during wound repair remain poorly understood. Growth factors are often ligands for receptor tyrosine kinase and receptor serine/threonine kinases. With recent advances in signal transduction by receptor kinases, we are beginning to understand the underlying mechanism of how growth factors may regulate cutaneous wound repair. In this paper, we will describe the pharmacological effects of growth factors on wound healing, and dscuss the potential underlying signaing mechanisms. thus, we hope to provide the basis for designing more specific therapeutics for wound healing in the near future.



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