구취의 심도에 따른 치료 효과에 대한 비교 연구

Treatment Efficacy on Oral Malodor according to Pre-treatment Volatile Sulfur Compound Level

  • 이상구 (서울대학교 치과대학 구강내과 . 진단학교실) ;
  • 고홍섭 (서울대학교 치과대학 구강내과 . 진단학교) ;
  • 이승우 (서울대학교 치과대학 구강내과 . 진단학교실)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


Considering various factors contributing oral malodor, the accurate prediction of prognosis is very important to both clinician and patients. The present study has been performed to invetigate the relationship between treatment effeicacy and pre-treatment volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) level. Ninety patients were divided into three groups, A(<150ppb), B(150< <200ppb), and C(>200ppb) groups, according to pre-treatment VSC level detected by Halimeter, and each group included 30 patients. Routine therapeutic measures for oral were provided to each patient which consisted of oral prophylaxis, tooth brushing and flossing instruction, tongue scraping by proper device, and gargling of 0.25% ZnCl2 Solution. The group with high pre-treatment VSC level (>150ppb) showed significant reduction of VSC level at 1 and 3 weeks after. However, the group with low pre-treatment VSC level (<150ppb) did not show any significant reduction during the experimental periods. Collectively, the results suggested that patients with high pre-treatment VSC level show better prognosis.
