외향성-내향성, 성별 및 연령과 의복이미지 선호에 관한 연구

A Study on Clothing Image Preferences Associated with Extroversion-Introversion, Gender, and Age

  • 이명희 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


The objectives of this study were to classify the contents of clothing image preferences, and to examine how clothing image preferences vary according to extroversion-introversion, gender, and age. Subjects for the study were 627 men and women ranging in ages from teens to forties in Kwangju City, Korea. The results of the study were as follows; 1) Four factors of clothing image preference derived by factor analysis : F. 1 'peculiar image' ; F. 2 'noble image' ; F. 3 'bright image' ; F. 4 'sprightly imagel'. 2) The interaction between extroversion-introversion groups and gender groups was significant for sprigtly images. The men of extroversion group tended to prefer gentle images, while the women of extroversion group preferred sprightly images. 3) The women liked sprightly images more than the men, the liked gentle images more. Women in their 20's liked sprightly image most, but as they grew older they tended to prefer gentle images. 4) The extroversion groups liked peculiar images more than the introversion groups. Teens liked peculiar image more than the others, subjects in their 30's and 40's preferred commonplace images. 5) The extroversion groups liked noble images more than the introversion groups. Women in their 30's and 40's liked popular images more than female subjects in their teens and twenties. Women in their teens and twenties liked popular images more than did the men in the same age group. 6) The extroversion groups liked bright images more than the introversion groups. Men in their teens and 20's liked bright images more than did men in their 30's and 40's. This finding suggests that women liked sprightly and noble clothing images, and men liked commonplace and gentle images. As they grew older, they tended to like commonplace, popular, and gentle clothing images. The extroversion groups liked peculiar, noble, and bright images more than did the introversion groups. The results of this study mean that personality traits such as extroversion-introversion are characteristics that affect clothing preferences, and it is possible to infer people's personality by their attire.
