복수신용카드 소지자들의 신용카드 사용행태와 부채부담에 관한 연구

A Study on Credit Card Uses and Debt Burden of Multiple Credit Card Holders

  • 이윤금 (건국대학교 대학원 가정학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


The purpose of this study was to understand credit card uses and debt burden of the multiple credit card holders. Data were obtained from 428 housewives living in Seoul. OLS regression analysis was used for examining factors affecting credit card uses and debt burden for the multiple credit card holders. The findings could be summarized as follows. First, among the three types of credit cards-bank card, retail card, and professional card, the multiple credit card holders tended to have more bank cards than retail and professional cards. Second, holding of the professional card was positively associated with both the frequency and the amount of credit card use per month. Third, the household income, age, employment status, and motive were important factors in predicting their attitudes toward credit card. Forth, the level of education, employment status, holding of the professional card, motive, amount of credit card use, and attitude toward credit card had singificant effects on their perceived debt burden.
