Effects of Safflower Seeds on Bone Mineral Density in Ovariectomy - Induced Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Rats

홍화자가 난소절제로 유발된 폐경 후 골다공증 흰쥐의 골밀도에 미치는 영향

Kim, Mi-Ryeo;Yang, Chae-Ha;Seo, Bu-Il

  • Published : 19980000


Effects of safflower seeds water extract on bone mineral density(BMD) was investigated in ovariectomy- induced postmenopausal osteoporotic rats. BMD of spine, relvis, right femur and tibia were measured in ovariectomized(OVX) rats treated with safflower seeds water extract(1250㎎/㎏ BW) or placebo for 4 weeks. Ovariectomy caused a significant decrease in spinal, right femoral and tibial BMD after 2 and 4 weeks, respectively. Compared with OVX rats, safflower seeds water extract(1250㎎/㎏ BW) caused significant increase in spinal, pelvic, right femoral and tibial BMD at 2 and 4 weeks after treatment, respectively. These findings suggest a possible protective effect of safflower seeds water extract(1250㎎/㎏ BW) against bone loss in OVX rats, associated with increase in serum estradiol level



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