한의원의 전문화가 경영성과에 미치는 영향

Effects of the Specialization on the Profit of Oriental Medicine Clinics

  • 이정석 (상지대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 이선동 (상지대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 김진현 (인제대학교 인문과학대학 보건행정학과)
  • Lee Joung-Seok (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangi University) ;
  • Lee Sun-Dong (Dept. of Preventive Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangi University) ;
  • Kim Jin-Hyun (Dept. of Health Management, College of Human Social Science In-Je University)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.29


At the result of data analysis with sample survey, oriental medicine clinics which treat particular kinds of illness with specialization make the profit of 1.6 times and the expense of 0.74 times more than those which treat general diseases, namely, the former gain the profit of about 2.9 times more than the latter. After excluding other variables which affect in the profit of oriental medicine clinics with multiple regression model, when considering only advantage of treatment for particular kinds of illness, specialized oriental medicine clinics win the more profit of 18.3 percent than general oriental medicine clinics. The specialization of oriental medicine clinics can become one of the positive measures in the situation of enlargement of medical of oriental medicine, falling of oriental medicine price and conflict of western and oriental medicine, etc. The specialization can help western medicine replace with oriental medicine, and level and scientific system of oriental medicine improve. Medical service for particular diseases, one of the better devices for improving profit of oriental medicine clinics, can theoretically make more advantage of oriental medicine clinics through measure of price discrimination than general medicine clinics.



  1. 한방의료기관의 경영수지분석 및 적정의료가격 추계에 관한 연구 김진현;이선동
  2. 대한한의학회지 v.17 no.2 한방의료의 가격인하전략이 한방의료에 대한 수요와 경영수지에 미치는 영향 김진현;이선동;박영우
  3. 한의신문
  4. 민족의학
  5. 대한한의학회지 v.19 no.1 한의사 인력공급의 적정화 방안 연구 이종수
  6. 버건경제학원론 양봉민
  7. The Economics of Health and Health care Sherman Folland;Allen C. Goodman;Miron Stano
  8. 미시경제이론 정기준
  9. The Structure of Economics: A Mathematical Analysis Eugene Silberg
  10. Intermediate Microeconomics Roy J. Ruffin
  11. Basic Economics Damondar N. Gujarati
  12. Health Economics Charles E. Phelps
  13. 의료보험통계년보 의료보험연합회
  14. 보건사회통계년보 보건사회부
  15. 한국은행의 산업연관표와 통계년보 한국은행
  16. 한방의료기관 경영수지 분석조사연구 한국사회보장문제연구소
  17. Econometric Models & Economic Forecasts Robert S. Pindyck;Daniel L. Rubinfeld