- 醫門寶鑑 周命新
- 原本東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 대한신경과학회지 v.3 no.1 痴매(Denlentia)의 정의와 분류 김명호
- 대한정신藥物학회지 v.2 no.1 Alzheimer씨 痴매-개론 및 최신 경향 김진수
- 신경정신의학 v.29 no.2 조기발병 알쯔하이머형 痴매 1례 김창윤(외 2인)
- 신경정신의학 v.30 no.3 국판 MIni-Mental State Ex-amination(MSE-K)상 痴매診斷이 불확실한 老人들 문희원(외 2인)
- 대한신경과학회지 v.3 no.1 神經科영역에서의 痴매 박영춘
- 신경정신의학 v.33 no.2 Aizheimer형 痴매 의심과 경도 Alzhei-mer형 痴매의 인지기능비교 박종한
- 신경정신의학 v.34 no.3 老人의 기능 상태 평가 박종한
- 신경정신의학 v.32 no.4 역학적 硏究에서 痴매 의심의 문제 : 비痴매와의 비교 박종한
- 신경정신의학 v.32 no.1 지역 사회의 痴매 유병률 조사에서 선별 검사(Screening Test)의 의의 박종한
- 대한정신藥物학회지 v.3 no.1 痴매의 원인과 治療 박종한
- 신경정신의학 v.30 no.5 경북 영일군 어느 면지역 老人 들에게서 痴매의 원인적 분류 및 주요 痴매의 상대적 유병률 박종한;고효진
- 신경정신의학 v.33 no.1 유병률 硏究에서 痴매 의심 혹은 경도 痴매로 診斷된 老人 들의 1년반 후 추시 박종한;박영남
- 신경정신의학 v.24 no.1 만성알콜 중독과 AIZheimer형 痴매의 뇌전산화 단층촬영상 뇌위치의 비교 박종한;전석길
- 신경정신의학 v.32 no.3 경북 영일군 죽장면 老人들에게서 세 단계 접근법을 이용한 Alzheimer형 痴매 유병률의 재평가 박종한(외 2인)
- 신경정신의학 v.26 no.2 정신과 입원 痴매 患者의 원인 분석 박종한(외 2인)
- 신경정신의학 v.34 no.3 Alzheimer형 痴매 의심의 인지 기능 박종한(외 3인)
- 신경정신의학 v.32 no.4 역학적 硏究에서 痴매 의심의 문제 : 경도痴매와의 비교 박종한(외 3인)
- 대한정신약물학회지 v.7 no.2 老人정신장애의 治療-인지장애 알츠하이머 痴매患者의 藥物治療를 중심으로- 오병훈
- 신경정신의학 v.36 no.1 한국의 한 농촌 지역에 거주하는 老人에서의 痴매의 유병률 우종인(외 6인)
- 대한신경과학회지 v.3 no.1 정신과 영역에서의 痴매 이근후
- 荊防地黃湯이 흰쥐의 Monis 水中 迷路 學習과 記憶에 미치는 영향 이재혁
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- 신경정신의학 v.33 no.3 痴매의 臨床的 정도와 인지기능 장애 및 행동 장애간의 상관 조성완;박종한
- 신경정신의학 v.34 no.3 痴매患者에서의 한국어판 老人用 간호사 관찰척도의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증을 의한 예비적 硏究 채정호(외 5인)
- 대한정신藥物회지 v.3 no.1 痴매의 증상과 診斷 허균
- 경희의학 v.12 no.2 痴매에 관한 韓醫學的 臨床硏究 황의완(외 4인)
- 萬病回春 공延賢
- 重修政和經史證類備用本草 唐愼微
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- 漢方基本處方集 慶熙醫療院韓方病院(編)
- 四象醫學性理臨床論 김주
- 신경정신의학 v.29 no.4 老人 집단에서 한국판 Mini. Mental state examination의 診斷능력 박종한;고효진
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- 老人생활실태 분석 및 정책과제 이가옥
- 신경정신의학 v.32 no.1 老人患者에 있어서 인지기능 및 기타 臨床증상의 治療경과에 따른 변화에 대한 硏究 이영호(외 3인)
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- 대한정신약물학회지 v.8 no.1 에스트로젠과 알쯔하이머병 이종섭;김찬형
- 소양인 형방지황탕, 십이미지황탕, 소음인 보중익기탕, 십전대보탕의 면역반응에 관한 실험적 연구 장현진
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- 조의학 제l 책 사상의학론 연변조선족자치주민족의약연구소
- 本草從新 吳義洛
- 增補本草備要 汪昻
- 中醫養生學 劉占文
- 醫宗必讀 李中梓
- 心-胸-神志病辨證論治 張明准
- 石室秘錄(下) 陳士鐸
- Diagnotic Neuroradiology Anne G. Osborne
- D-SM Ⅲ-R APA(American Psychiatric Association)
- Pathophysiology ; adap-tation and alterations in function (4th edition) Barbara L. Btlllock
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine(11th edition) Eugene Braunwald(외)
- Atlas of chlinical neurology(2nd edition) G David Perkin;Fred H Hochberg
- General and systemic pathology(2nd edition) J. C. E. Underwood
- Cecil Textboox of Medicine(17th edition) James B. Wyngaarden(외)
- Medical Neurology(3rd edition) John stirling Meyer
- Merritt’s Textbook of Neurology(7th edition) Lewis P. Rowland
- Brain cholinergic system M. Steriade;D. Bielsold
- Progress in brain research ; cholinergic function and dysfunction v.98 A. Claudio Cuello
- Neuromethods v.12 Alan A. Boulton;Glen B. Becker;Augusto V. Juorio
- Brain Res v.622 no.12 Galanin fails to alter both acquisition of a two trial per day water maze task and neurochemical markers of cholinergic or serotonergic neurons in adultrats Aspley S;Fone KC
- Animal Lerning & Behavior v.8 Ret Spatial memory ; Resistance to retroactive interference at long retention intervals Beatty WW;Schavalia DA
- Behavioral and Neural Biology v.28 Spatial memory in Rats, Time course of working memory and effect of anesthetics Beatty WW;Schavalia DA
- Behavioral and Neural Biology v.46 Exponential decay of spatial memory of rats in aradial maze Bolhuis JJ;Bijsma S;Ansmink P
- Neurobiology of cingulate cortex and limbic thalamus Brent A. Vogt;Michael Gabriel
- Branins res v.654 Enhancement of memory processing in aninhibitory avoidance and radial maze task by post-training infusion of bombesin into uncleus solitarius Cedric L. Williams;James L. McGaugh
- Neurology v.42 no.3 Criteria for the diagnosis of ischemic vascular dementia proposed by the State of California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Centers Chui HC;Victoroff JI;Margolin D;Jagust W;Shankle R;Katzman R
- Brain Res v.679 no.1 Anabolic-androgenic steroid and adrenal steroid effects on hippocampal plasticity Clark AS;Mitre MC;Brinck-Johnsen T
- Brain Res v.572 no.1;2 Effects of nicotine on spatial memory deficits in rats with septal lesions Decker MW;Majchrzak MJ;Anderson DJ
- Brain Res v.554 no.1;2 Spatial performance correlates with in vitro Deupree DL. Turmer DA, Watters CL
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.257 no.1 (+-)-cis-2-methy1-spiro(1, 3-oxathiolance -5,3’) quinuclidine, an M1 selective cholinergic agonist, attenuates cognitive dysfunctions in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease Fisher A;Brandeis R;Karton I;Pittel Z;Gurwitz D;Haring R;Sapir M;Levy A;Heldman E
- J Psychiatry Res v.12 “Mini-mental state”, a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician Folstein MF;Folstein SE;MuHugh PR
- pediatr Res v.39 no.1 Use of th Morris water maze and acoustic startle chamber to evaluate neurologic injury after asphyxial arrest in rats Hickey RW;Akino M;Strausbaugh S;De Courtmn-MyersGM
- Peptides v.10 no.1 TRH analog MK-771 reverses neurochemical and learning deficits in medial septal-lesioned rats Horita A;Carino MA;Zabawska J;Lai H
- J Biol Chem v.272 no.4 Nonotoxic amyloid beta peptide 1-42 suppresses acetylcholine synthesis. Possible role in cholinergic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease Hoshi M;Takashima A;Murayama M;Yasutake K;Yoshida N;Ishiguro K;Hoshino T;Imahori K
- International review of Neuroloty v.33 John R. Smythies;Ronald J. Bradely
- Acta Psychiat Scand v.76 The prevalence of dementia: A quantitative integration of the literlature Jorn AF;Korten AE. Henderson AS
- FASEB J v.5 advances in Alzheimer’s disease Katzman R;Saitoh T
- N Eng J Med v.314 Alzheimer’s disease Katzman R
- Procedures for the behavioral sciences Kirk;R. E.
- Behavioral and Neural Bilolgy v.44 Hipocampal stimulation disrupts spatial working memory even 8th after acquisition Knowlton B;MacGowan M;Olton DS
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.271 no.2 Studies on the role of K+, Cl- and Na+ ion permeabilities in the acetylcholine release enhancing effects of linopirdine (DuP 996) in rat cortical slices Maciag CM;Logue AR;Tinker WJ;Saydoff JA;Tam SW;Zaczek R
- Psychopharmacology v.106 Oxiracetam antagonizes the disruptive effects of scopolamine on momory in the radial maze Magnani M;Pozzi O;Biagetti R;Banfi S;Dorigotti L
- J Neurochem v.67 no.5 Nicotinic autoreceptors mediating enhancement of acetyl-choline release become operative in conditions of “impaired” cholinergic presynaptic function Marchi M;Raiteri M
- The Journal of Family Practiece v.37 no.6 Advances in Alzheimer’s disease Mary Elizabeth Roth
- Neuroscience v.50 no.1 Dopaminergic drug reverse the impairment of radial-arm maze performance caused by lesions involving the cholinergic medial pathway McGurt SR;Levin ED;Butcher LL
- Neurology v.34 Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: report of the NINCDSARDA Work Group under the auspices of Department of Health and Human Service Task Force on Alzheimer’s disease Mckhann G;Drachman D;Folstein M;Katzman R;Price D;Stadlan EM
- Clinical Neurology v.1 Micheal Swash;John Oxbury
- BMJ v.292 Differential diagnosis of dementia Mulley GP
- Neuroscience v.51 no.1 Evidence for a role of the neuropeptide galanin in spatial learning [letter] Ogren SO;Hokfelt T;Kask K;Langel U;Bartfai T
- Animal Learning and Behavior v.7 Intramaze cuse and “odor trials” fail to direct choice behavior on an elevated maze Olton DS;Collison C
- The brain in older persons with and without dementia, finding on MR, PET, and SPECT image, AJR v.162 Patrica CD;Suzanne SM;Naomi A
- The rat brain in stereotzxic coordinates Paxinos;G. and Waston;C.
- Mazes, maps and momory, American psychologist v.34 Olton DS
- Psychopharmecology v.114 no.4 Neuronal mechanisms of the atentioanl dysfunctions in senile dementia and schizophrenia: two sides of the same coin? Sarter M
- Brain Res v.494 no.2 The role of the hippocampal-nucleus accumbens pathway in radial-arm maze performance Schacter GB;Yang CR;Innis NK;Mogensin GJ
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.280 no.2 Pharmacological activity and safety profile of P10358, a novel, orally active acetycholine-sterase inhibitor for Alzheimer’s disease Smith CP;Bores GM;Petko W;Li M;Selk DE;Rush DK;Camacho F;Winslow JT;Fishkin R;Cunningham DM;Brooks KM;Roehr J;Hartman HB;Davis L;Vargas HM
- Brain Res v.726 no.1;2 Biphasic effect of tacrine on acetycholine release in rat brain via M1 and M2 receptors Svensson AL;Zhang X;Nordberg A
- Brain Res v.582 no.2 chronic cerebro-vascular insufficiency induces dementia-like deficits in aged rats Torre JC;Fortin T;Parik GA;Bulter KS;Kozlowski P;Pappas BA;de Socarraz H;Saunders JK;Richard MT
- Brain Res v.589 no.2 Early post-natal administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine destroys 5-HT neurons but does not affect spatial memory Volpe BT;Hendrix CS;Park DH;Towld AC;Davis HP
- Brain Res v.726 no.1;2 Injection of IgG 192-saporin into the medial septum produces cholinergic hypofunction and dose-dependent Walsh TJ;Herzog CD;Gandhi C;Stackman RW;Wiley RG
- Brain Res v.702 no.1;2 Behavioral and neurobiological alterations induced by the immunotoxin 192-IgG- saporin: cholinergic and non-cholinergic effects following i.c.v. injection Walsh TJ;Kelly RM;Dougherty KD;Stackman RW;Wiley RG;Kutscher CL
- Am J Public Health v.77 The public health inpact of Alzheimer’s disease Weiler PG
- J Phamacol Exp Ther v.265 no.2 Effect of in vivo microdialysis of 1,2,3,4-terahydro-9-aminoacridine (THA) on the extracellular concentration of acetylcholine in the striatum of anesthetized rats Xiao WB;Nordberg A;Zhang X
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.271 no.1 Yamaguchi I Ibaraki : FR121196, a potential antidementia drug, ameliorates the inpaired memory of rat in the Morris water maze Yamazaki M;Matsuoka N;Kuratani K;Oh-kubo Y
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.16 no.5 Spatial memory disturbance after focal cerebral ischemia in rat Yonemori F;Yamada H;Yamaguchi T;Uemura A;Tamura A