양생(養生)을 위한 향기치료(香氣治療)의 한의학적 적용(適用)과 전망(展望)

Application and Prospective of Aroma Therapy for Preservation of Health(養生)

  • 류영수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과) ;
  • 고기완 (수원 광동한의원)
  • 발행 : 1998.08.30


Aroma therpay in the western classical medicine is compared with the mechanistic paradigm of Newton physics which is the foundation of western modern medicine. It is the therapy whose basic principle is very similar to the basic concepts of oriental medicine lasting thousands of years. We know that parts of their therapies are explained by Yin-Yan and five elements in Oriental Medicine. In the modern western medicine, as preventive medicine is becoming more and more important and moreover, health promotion and self healing care is being emphasized, Maintenanayce which is the oriental preventive medicine, acts in concert with the concept of New Age of Science and provides a way for the Oriental Medicine of the future. The health promotion and self healing care is similar to the thought of Maintenanayce in Oriental Medicine. Oriental Medicine has provided the concept of preventive ehaling care for a long time and built the foundation of the department of Maintenanayce. Among these method of Preservation of Health, We could find that of using fragrance throuth the several references. By comparing the department of Maintenanayce in oriental preventive medicine with the books and papers about aroma therapy, used in the fields of naturalpathy medicine, alternative medicine, and complementary medicine in the west, and by analyzing them, centering around references, to see whether they are reasonable and corresponding, the following conclusions have been reached. 1. We could see that aroma therapy of oriental preventive medicine could be applied to the fields of health promotion and self healing cure, recently appearing in the world of health medicine, as a modern way of Preservation of Health(養生). 2. We could see that western traditional aroma therapy take important position in alternative medicine and complementary medicine, and it could be developed as the transitional field of medical cure for the interchange between western and eastern medicine. 3. We could see that aroma therapy is not totally unknown therapy and there is some points of similarity in the traditional references of oriental medicine. Also, it is considered that the aroma therapy has a possibility of coming the front as an general therapy among various therapies. 4. aroma therapy will be actively applied to many fields such as oriental psychiatry, internal medicine of the respiratory system, pediatrics, oriental nursing, oriental dermatologic beauty, and preventive medicine. Therefore, we have a view that the combination between aroma therapy and oriental medicine will be fairly valuable to study as the general and transtional middle step on which it will prepare the situation of oriental medicine's reimportation from the west and we establish a bridgehead to export the oriental medicine.



  1. 21세기에 있어서의 전통의학의 역할 경산대학교
  2. 우리시대의 한의학 공동철
  3. 자연치료 건강학 과학백과사전출판사
  4. 간계내과학 김병운(외 8인)
  5. 동의신경정신과학 김상효
  6. 한국인의 전통양생요법 김용
  7. 보건대학원 개원 20주년 기념 학술심포지움 보건, 환경, 그리고 안전을 통한 삶의 질 향상, 건강증진-발전배경, 의의 그리고 전망- 김일순
  8. 신과학산책 김재희
  9. 동서의학비교연구 김종열;김우중
  10. 서의학건강법 渡邊正;김기준(譯)
  11. 신과학이 세상을 바꾼다 방건웅
  12. 신과학운동 신과학운동연구회
  13. 닥터포겔에게 물어보세요 알프레드 포겔;이상호(譯)
  14. 자연요법백과 엔드류 스텐웨이(외 지음);박지명(譯)
  15. 자연치유 앤드류 와일;김옥분(譯)
  16. 예방의학과 공중보건 예방의학과 공중보건 편집위원회
  17. 한방재활의학회지 v.7 no.1 문헌에 나타난 향기치료에 대한 고찰 오현주;송태원
  18. MERIDIAN(계간) Essential Oil 흡입에 대한 EAV측정치의 변화 연구 -Aromatherapy의 임상적용을 위한 예비연구 오홍근
  19. 신비의 자연치료의학 오홍근
  20. 계간 과학과 사회 유네스코 한국위원회
  21. 전통한방예방의학 이기남;이선동
  22. 아로마테라피 이세희
  23. 서양의학의 두 얼굴 이종찬
  24. 서양의학의 보건과 역사 이종찬
  25. 역학과 건강증진 이정렬;박신애
  26. 자연건강법 이명복(외 7인)
  27. 보건학원론 전국대학보건관리학교육협의회
  28. 향, 향수, 향기 주경옥
  29. 한방양생학 최삼섭;손숙영
  30. 과학혁명의 구조 토마스 쿤;김명자(譯)
  31. 새로운과학과 문명의 전환 프리조프 카프라;이성범;구윤서(譯)
  32. 현대물리학과 동양사상 프리조프 카푸라;이성범;김요정(譯)
  33. 한국자연건강학회지 v.1집 한국자연건강학회
  34. 공중보건학 홍재길
  35. 中國中醫獨特療法大全(下) 裘沛然
  36. 中國醫學療法大典 麻仲學
  37. 中藥大辭典 新文풍出版公司
  38. Alternative Medicine What Works Adriang Fugh-Berman
  39. Family Guide to Natural Medicine Alma E. Guinness
  40. Complementary Medicine Andrew Stanway
  41. Flower Power Anne MaIntyre
  42. The International Journal of Aromatherapy AROMA'93 HARMONY FROM WITHIN Friday 2nd- Sunday 4th July 1993 Conference Proceedings Aromtherapy Publications
  43. The International Journal of Aromayherapy AROMA'95 ONE BODY-ONE MIND, July 14th-16th 1995 Conference Proceedings Aromtherapy Publications
  44. New Choice in Natural Healing Bill Gottlieb
  45. Thorsons Principles of Aromatherapy Cathy Hopkins
  46. Botanical Medicine Dan Kenner;Yves Requena
  47. Aromatherapy Blends and Remedies Franzesca Watson
  48. Aromatherapy for healing the spirit Gabriel Mojay
  49. Complementary Medicine:An Intergrated Approach Gerge Lewith;Julian Kenyon;Peter Lewis
  50. Dr. Rosenfeld‘s Guide to Alternative Medicine Isadore Rosenfeld
  51. The Alternative Health Medicine Encyclopedia James E. Marti
  52. Fundamentals of Comploementary and Alternative Medicine Marc S. Micozzi
  53. Aromatherapy for everyone Robert Tisserand
  54. The Art of Aromatherapy Rober Tisserand
  55. Essential Oil Safety Robert tisserand;Tony Balacs
  56. The Handbook of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Stephen Fulder
  57. The Medical Advisor/The Complete Guide to Alternative & Conventional Treatments Time-Life Books
  58. Complementary Medicine Today Ursula Sharma
  59. THE FRAGRANT MIND Valerie Ann Worwood