Clinical Observation for the 120 Cases of CVA

뇌전산화단층촬영(CT)상 확진된 120예의 뇌졸중환자에 대한 임상적 고찰

  • Bae, Sung-Han (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Se-Myung University) ;
  • Nam, Chang-Gyu (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Se-Myung University)
  • 배성한 (세명대학교 부속한방병원 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 남창규 (세명대학교 부속한방병원 심계내과학교실)
  • Published : 1998.08.30


Clinical Observation was made on 120 Cases of CVA that were confirmed through brain CT of Oriental Medical hospital of Se-Myung University from July in 1997 to June in 1998. 1. The CVA cases were classified into the following kinds : cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH), and the greatest in number among them were the cases of cerebral infarction. 2. The most cases were 50 of age in all cases, in cerebral infarction were over 70 of age. There is no significant difference in the frequency of strokes between the male and female. the ratio was 1.07 : 1. 3. The frequency of strokes seems to have no relation to month and season. 4. The course of entering hospital, most patients visited this hospital directly(not through any other hospital) within 24hours. 5. The first attack was noted in 80.8%, the recurrance attack in 19.2% and the cerebral infarction had high recurrance ratio compared with cerebral hemorrhage. 6. The average duration of hospitalization was 25.2 days. 7. The most ordinary preceding disease was hypertension. 8. The common symptoms were motor disturbance and dysphasia. 9. The most frequent location of the lesion in cerebral infarction was parietal lobe, in cerebral hemorrhage was basal ganglia. 10. According to electrocardiography findings, abnormality was noted in cerebral infarction more than cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage. 11. The hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia were found more frequently in cerebral infarction than cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage. 12. The average time to start physical theraphy was 7.76 days after admission. 13. The most common complications were pneumonia and bed sore.



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