The Effects of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma and Row Rhei Rhizoma on varied Extraction Time in Blood Stasis Model

전탕시간(煎湯時間)에 따른 생대황(生大黃) 및 주대황(酒大黃)이 어혈병태모형(瘀血病態模型)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Kim, Do-Wan (College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungsan University) ;
  • Park, Chang-Gook (College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungsan University)
  • 김도완 (경산대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 박창국 (경산대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Published : 1998.08.30


In order to investigate the effects of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma and Row Rhei Rhizoma on varied extract time in both endotoxin-induced blood stasis model(hereafter Endotoxin Model) and hydrocortisone acetate-induced blood stasis model (hereafter HA Model), Half of rats were treated with endotoxin(0.4mg/kg, single Ⅳ, into caudal vein) for Endotoxin Model. Thereafter, they were orally administrated water extract of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma or Row Rhei Rhizoma, which were boiled during 30, 60, 120 minute, respectively. Finally, the number of platelet, fibrinogen, prothrombin time, hematocrit, the number of RBC and WBC were measured after sacrifice. The remainder rats were treated with hydrocortisone acetate(10mg/kg, daily IM for 7 days into the muscular rump) for HA significantly decreased. Together, they were orally administrated for 7 days water extract of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma or Row Rhei Rhizoma that were boiled above methods Finally, the number of platelet, fibrinogen, prothrombin time, hematocrit, the number of RBC and WBC were measured after sacrifice. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The number of platelet was significantly increased in boiled water extract for 30 min of Row Rhei Rhizoma group as compared with that of control group in Endotoxin Model. 2. Fibrinogen level was significantly increased in all administration groups as compared with that of control group in Endotoxin Model. It was significantly increased in all administration groups except boiled water extract for 30 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group as compared with that of control group in HA Model. 3. Prothrombin time was significantly shortened in boiled water extract for 60 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group and boiled water extract for 120 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group as compared with that of control group in Endotoxin Model It was significantly shortened all administration groups as compared with that of control group in HA Model. 4 Hematocrit was significantly increased in all administered groups except boiled water extract for 60 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group and boiled water extract for 30 min of Row Rhei Rhizoma group as compared with that of control group in Endotoxin Model. It was significantly increased in all administration groups as compared with that of control group in HA Model. 5. The number of RBC was significantly decreased in boiled water extract for 60 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group, boiled water extract for 120 min of Alcohol -Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group and boiled water extract for 30 min of Row Rhei Rhizoma administered group in Endotoxin Model. It was significantly increased boiled water extract for 30 min of Row Rhei Rhizoma group and boiled water extract for 60 min of Row Rhei Rhizoma group in HA Model as compared with data of control group. 6 The number of WBC was significantly decreased in all administered groups except boiled water extract for 30 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group and boiled water extract for 60 min of Alcohol-Steamed Rhei Rhizoma group as compared with that of control group in HA Model.



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