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- 醫學入門 李정
- 결핵 및 호흡기질환 v.44 no.1 만성기침 환자의 원인적 고찰 및 기관지 과민성 김경호(외 11명)
- 소아과 v.41 위식도 역류의 최신 진전 문경래
- 소아과 v.36 만성 기침 영아의 임상적 고찰 이수중(외 3명)
- 알레르기 v.14 no.3 알레르기와 만성기침 이준성
- 소아과 v.40 no.7 호흡기 감염과 기관지 천식 이준성
- 소아과 v.41 no.9 만성 기침 환아에서 발견된 위식도역류 임판주(외 4명)
- 소아과 v.37 no.8 만성기침 환아의 원인질환에 대한 고찰 조빈(외 3명)
- 천식 및 알레르기 v.18 no.2 만성 기침으로 내원한 환자에서 원인 질환 및 빈도에 관한 전향적 연구 지영구(외 6명)
- 경희의학 v.12 no.2 알레르기 질환에 대한 고찰 채병윤
- 알레르기 v.15 no.2 민성 기침 환아의 기도과민성 최승원;유빈;문희범
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.5 Esophagitis and Findings of Long-Term Esophageal pH Recording in Children with Repeated Lower Respiratory Tract Symptoms Baer, M.;Maki, M.;Nurminen J.;Turjanmaa, V.;Pukander, J.;Vesikari, T.
- J Allergy Clin Immunol v.53 Maxillary sinusitis and bronchial asthma; Correlations of recent roentgenogrom, cultures and thermograms. Berman, J.Z.;Maltison, D.A.;Stevenson, D.D.;Asselman, J.A.;Shore, S.;Tan, E.M.
- Arch Dis Child v.52 Matural history of childhood asthma; 20-years follow-up Blair, H.
- Am Rev Respir Dis v.121 Bronchial hyperreactivity. Boushey, H.A.;Holtzman, M.J.;Sheller, J.R.;Nadel, J.A.
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.21 Indication for Pediatric Esophageal pH Monitoring. Colletti, R.B.;Christie, D.L.;Orenstein, S.R.
- N Engl J Med v.300 Chronic cough as the sole presenting manifestation of bronchial asthma. Corrao, W.M.;Bramann, S.S.;Irwin, R.S.
- Pediatrics v.63 Recurrent Pulmonary Disease in Children: A Complication of Gastroes ophageal Reflux. Euler, A.R.;Byrne, W.J.;Ament, M.E.;Fonkalsrud, E.W.;Strobel, C.T.;Siegel, S.C.(et al.)
- JAMA v.85 Relation of intranasal disease in the production of bronchial asthma. Gottlieb, M.J.
- J Allergy Clin Immunol v.68 Bronchial responsiveness to histamine or metacholine in asthma; Measurement and clinical significance. Hargreave, F.E.;Ryan, G.;Thomson, N.C.;O' Bryne, P.M.;Latimer, K.;Juniper, E.F.;Dolovich, J.
- Am Rev Respir Dis v.141 The presence of airway reactivity before the development of asthma. Hopp, R.J.;Townley, R.G.;Biven, R.E.;Bewtra, A.K.;Nair, N.M.
- Laryngoscope v.101 Chronic Cough in Infants and Children; An Update Holinger, L.D.;Sanders, A.D.
- Arch Intern Med v.137 Cough, a comprehensive review Irwin, R.S.;Rosen, M.J.;Bramann, S.S.
- J Pediatr Surg v.16 The Significance of Gastroesophageal Reflux Patterns in Children Jolley, S.G.;Johnson, D.G.;Herbst, J.J.;Matlak, M.E.
- Pediatr Clin North Am v.38 Chronic Cough in Children Kamei, R.K.
- J Asthma v.28 Cough variant asrhma Konig, P.
- Am J Dis Child v.41 Genetic factors in nonspecific bronchial hyprerreactivity Longo, G.;Strinati, R.;Poli, F.;Fumi, F.
- Arch Intern Med v.156 Predictive values of the character, timing, and complications of chronic cough in diagnosing its cause Mello, C.J.;Irwin, R.S.;Curley, F.J.
- Pediatrics v.69 Effectiveness of Positioning Therapy for Gastrophageal Reflux Meyers, W.F.;Herbst, J.J.
- Pediatr Rev v.13 Gastoesophageal Reflux Orenstein, S.R.
- J Pediatr v.112 Gastoesophageal reflux and respiratory disease in children Orenstein, S.R.;Orenstein, D.M.
- Immunol Allergy Clinic North Americal Korea v.16 no.1 Chronic cough O' Connell, E.J.;Li, J.T.
- Am Allergy v.66 Cough-type asthma, a review O' Conell, E.J.;Rojas, A.R.;Sachs, M.I.
- Clin Exp Allergy v.23 Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and its relationship to asthma in childhood Pattemore, P.K.;Holgate, S.T.
- Surgery v.86 Gastroesophageal Refiux and pulmonary aspiration: Incidence, functional abnormality and results of surgical therapy Pellegrini, C.A.;DeMeester, T.R.;Johnson, L.F.;Skinner, D.B.
- Arztl Otolaryngol v.100 Bronchial asthma produced by paranasal sinusitis Phipatanakul, C.S.;Slavin, R.G.
- Ann Intern Med v.119 An algorithmic approach to chronic cough Pratter, M.R.;Batter, T.;Akers, S.(et al.)
- Pediatrics v.73 Chronic sinus disease with associated reactive airway disease in children Rachelefsky, G.S.;Katz, R.M.;Siegel, S.C.
- Ann Allergy v.61 The approach to chronic cough in childhood Reisman, J.J.;Canny, G.J.;Levison, H.
- Annal Allergy Asthma Immunol v.74 Bronchial hyperreactivity revisited Smith, L.;Mcfaden, E.R. Jr.
- Clin Exp Allergy v.25 The place of airway hyperresponsiveness in the asthma phenotype Sterk, P.J.
- Pediatrics v.88 Gastroesop hageal Refluux, as Measured By 24 Hour pH Monitoring, in 509 Heathy Infant Screened for Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Vandenplas, Y.;Goyvaerts, H.;Helven, R.;Sacre, L.
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.14 Working Group of the European Society of Pedatric Gasrtroenterology and Nutrition: A Standardized Protocol for the Methodology of Esophageal pH Monitoring and Interpretation of the Data for the Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Vandenplas, Y.
- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr v.18 Reflux Esophagitis in Infants and Children: A Report from the Working Group on Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Vandenplas, Y.
- N Engl J Med v.324 The influence of a family history of asthma and parental smoking on airway responsiveness in early infancy Young, S.;Le Souef, P.N.;Geelhoed, G.C.;Stick, S.M.;Turner, K.J.;Landau, L.I.