전립선비대증 치료의 한의학적 접근방법에 관한 연구

Study on the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH) in Oriental Medicine

  • 김중길 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신계내과교실) ;
  • 송봉근 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신계내과교실) ;
  • 이언정 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신계내과교실) ;
  • 김형균 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신계내과교실)
  • Kim, Joong-Kil (Deprtment of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University) ;
  • Song, Bong-Keun (Deprtment of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Jeong (Deprtment of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University) ;
  • Kim, Hyeong-Kyun (Deprtment of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, WonKwang University)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.30


Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH) is the most common benign tumor seen in the western male, and it is found in 50% of men over 50 years of age. It is characterized by the formation of large discrete lesions in the periurethral region. As they enlarge, these nodules tend to compress the urethra and cause partial or almost complete obstruction of .urine flow. The etiology of BPH is uncertain, but the increasing incidence with advancing age suggests the possibility of an imbalance between male and female sex hormones. In the past, most patients have had multiple indications to support the decision to initiate therapy. But both the urologic surgeon and the patient must be clearly aware of the results that can be expected and the risks involved in achieving them. The aims of this study are to investigate and summarize the current trends of treatment for BPH so as to suggest the effective and available way to treat the disease. In Oriental medicine, the BPH is recognized as uroschesis and ischuria, and the etiology is mainly in stagnated blood and insufficiency of the kidneys. The point of treatment of BPH is recovery of urination, and the treatment can be approached in two ways through herb drugs and acupuncture. Some of the herb drugs have substances which reduce BPB. Acupuncture therapy stimulates the pelvic plexus and is reported to be effective for voiding. Suppository, massotherapy, rectal injection, locus injection and attachment of herb drugs to the navel or the acupoint are announced as the effective treatments. So, this study of the approach and application of these treatments on BPH would be necessary.



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  2. 비뇨기과학 김영균
  3. J Urol v.43 The effect of castration on benign hypertrophy of the prostate in man Huggins C;Stevens RA
  4. 中醫男科講座 李惠義
  5. 비뇨기과학 고성건
  6. J Urol v.143 The efficacy of transurethral resection of the prostae in men with moderate symptoms of prostatism Lepor H;Rigaud G
  7. N Engl J Med v.320 Moratlity and reoperation after open and transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia Roos NP;Wennberg JE;Malenka DJ;Fisher ES;Pherson KIM;Andersen TF(et al)
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  9. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Adult and Pediatric Urology Jay YG;John TG;Stuart SH;John WD
  10. UCNA v.3 Role of long-acting selective ${\alpha}$-1 blockrs in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia Lepor H
  11. J Urol v.148 A randomized, placebo-contrlled multicenter study of the efficacy and safety of terazosin in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Lepor H;Auerbach S;Puras-Baez A;Narayan P;Soloway M;Lowe F;Moo T;Leifer G;Madsen P
  12. 비뇨기과 전공의 진료편람 서울대학교 병원
  13. 前列腺病中醫診療學 李衛眞
  14. 準治男科疾病的良方妙法 譚異倫;周禎祥
  15. 中醫雜誌 v.5 對老年前列腺肥大的防治休會 張錫君;余朋千
  16. 58種男性病的中醫治療與保楗 謝煥榮
  17. 實用中西醫結合泌尿男科學 李曰慶
  18. 江西中醫藥 v.2 治療老年性前列腺增生治28例療效觀察 胡海翔
  19. 中醫雜誌 v.2 中西醫結合治療前列腺肥大65例初步体會 晁中桓
  20. 江蔿中醫 v.11 85例前列腺肥大症臨床經驗 林君玉
  21. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.4 43例前列腺肥大的臨床觀察 馬仁美
  22. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.9 前列腺增生所致急性尿瀦留的辨證論治 徐福松
  23. 內蒙古中醫藥 v.4 辨證論治前列腺增生症50例療效觀察 兪瑜
  24. 河北中醫 v.5 辨證治療前列腺增生症87例療效觀察 張振東
  25. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.12 前列腺增生症63例的療效分析與機理探討 任朴安;張鑫林;葉曉明
  26. 四川中醫 v.10 no.37 中西醫結合治療前列腺增生症143例觀察 劉宇
  27. 云南中醫雜誌 v.3 前列回縮湯治療前列腺增大30例 李繼貴
  28. 江蔿中醫 v.2 抗前列腺增生飮治療前列腺增生52例 兪大毛
  29. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.1 復方鼠歸丸治療前列腺肥大2l例 曹慶佩
  30. 中醫男科硏究與臨床進展 從瘀論治前列腺肥大50例臨床觀察 孫聿修
  31. 新中醫 v.2 補腎化瘀法爲主治療老年慢性前列腺增生症30例 李紹軒
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  33. 新中醫 v.3 三黃桂甲湯治療前列腺肥大58例 許錦靑
  34. 中西醫結合雜誌 v.3 知柏坤草湯治療前列腺肥大的探討 張守謙
  35. 中醫硏究 v.2 培元活血方洽療老年人前列腺增生症臨床觀察 李建生
  36. 中醫男科硏究與臨床進展 補腎利尿湯治療前列腺肥大65例臨床觀察 薛慈民
  37. 上海中醫雜誌 v.7 前列腺肥大症 34例臨床療效觀察 謝嘉文
  38. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.2 補陽還五湯加味治療老年性前列腺增生症41例 鄒世光
  39. 中國醫院藥學雜誌 v.5 萆薢湯(片)治療前列腺增生的休會 邵忠丁
  40. 中醫男科硏究與臨床進展 消癃散治療前列腺增生症80例 黃晨昕
  41. 湖北中醫雜誌 v.3 益氣通關口服液治療老年前列腺增生症50例 石國憲
  42. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.11 通關丸加味治療前列腺肥大24例 徐相廷
  43. 廣西中醫藥 v.3 通前湯治療前列腺肥大52例 鍾松才
  44. 新中醫 v.7 黃芪甘草通癃湯治療前列腺肥大致尿道梗阻 陳偉剛;王浩川
  45. 福建中醫藥雜誌 v.5 蒲芪片治療老年輕中度前列腺增生42例 黃雪卿;葉仰光;鄭尙忠
  46. 中醫男科論文集 消炎靈3号”治療前列腺增生臨床及試驗硏究 曹開鏞
  47. 成都中醫學院學報 v.3 中藥治療前列腺增生症90例 張云程
  48. 山東中醫雜誌 v.6 前列舒丸治療前列腺增生症和慢性前列腺炎81例 王敬善
  49. 北京中醫學院學報 v.6 前列腺增生丸簡介 李白慶
  50. 上海中醫雜誌 v.10 坐浴治療前列腺肥大症 陳國源
  51. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.10 中藥穿山甲治療前列腺增生症42例 張英杰;王棟;張會淸;竇啓鋒;袁九銀
  52. 中國針灸 v.4 針灸治療23例前列腺增生症 李惠芳;楊柏如
  53. 河北中醫 v.2 針灸治療前列腺肥大64禮臨床觀察 桑福榮
  54. 中國針灸 v.2 肛針治療老年性癃閉30例 閻世舫;閻文琴;閻黎明
  55. 陜西中醫 v.4 電磁針治療前列腺增生症60例 王祥福
  56. 中國針灸 v.6 許維新;劉傳瑾;伊靜秋;米國安
  57. 全國中醫外治法學術經驗交流會資科匯編 宣化膏洽療尿瀦留及前列腺肥大症 徐相富(等)
  58. 中國南科硏究與臨床進展 直腸內按摩加中藥煎劑保留灌腸治療前列腺肥大38例 唐一多
  59. 湖南中醫學院學報 v.1 尿通靈局部注射治療前列腺肥大, 附85例臨床報道 王華西
  60. 四川中醫 v.9 前列靈注射液注射治療前列腺增生症 方昌明
  61. 全國中醫外治法學術經驗交流會資科匯編 中藥外治法治療老年男性 癃閉的臨床体會 李金生(等)
  62. UCNA v.3 Pathology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia McNeal J
  63. J Urol v.122 Light microscopic stereologic analysis of the normal human prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia Bartsch G;Nuller HR;Boerholzer M
  64. J Urol v.145 The relationship between histology and clinical response to alpha bockade in men with symptomatic BPH Shapiro E;Lepor H
  65. Br J Urol v.45 Pharmacologic receptors in the prostate Raz S;Zieger M;Caine M
  66. Br J Urol v.48 The use of ${\alpha}$-adrenergic blockers in benign prostatic obstruction Caine M;Pfau A;Perlberg S
  67. Br J Pharmacol v.95 The stereospecificity of Ly253352 for ${\alpha}$-1-adrenoceptor binding sites in the brain and prostate Lepor H;Baumann M;Shapiro E
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  69. 中藥大辭典 江蘇新醫學院
  70. 山東中醫學院學報 v.4 前列舒片抑制前列腺增生及抗炎症作用 隋艶華;謝紅;安邦權;許敏;凌曉午