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- 96年度 死亡原因統計結果 統計廳
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- 新編中藥大辭典 新文豊出版公司(編)
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Xu shu nan;Niu bing zhan bian zhu
- J. of practical East-West Medicine v.10 no.2 Effect of the extract of Polyporus on Hepatitis B Ai-Xiu Nian
J. Hepatology
Regulation of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p21
$^{WAF1/Cipl/Sdil}$ Gene Exp-ression in Hepatic Regeneration Albrech J. H.;Mayer A. H.;Humy m.Y. - J. Biol. Chem v.271 no.28 Fas-induced Activation of the Cell Death-related Protease CPP32 is Inhibited by Bcl-2 and by ICE Family Protease Inhibitors Armstrong R. C.;Aja T.;Xiang J.;Caur G.;Kerbs J. F.;Hoang K.;Bai X.;Korsmeyer S. J.;Karanewsky D. S.;Fritz L. C.;Tomaselli K. J.
- The FASEB J. v.11 no.7 p53 deficiency in liver reduce local of survival and proliferation, but does not affect apoptosis after DNA damage Bellamy C. O. C.;Clarke A. R.;Wyllie A. H.;Harrison D. J.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. v.87 no.5 abnormal structure and expression of p53 gen in human hepato-cellular carcinoma Bressac B;Galvin K. M;Liang T. J.;Isselbacher K. J;wands J. R;Ozturk M.
- Leuk Res. v.8 no.2 Review cyclin: a nuclear protein whose level correlates directly with the proliferative state of normal as well as transformed cells Celis J. E.;Bravo R.;Larsent P.M.
- Cancer chemother Pharma-cology. v.17 no.3 Rapid chemosensitivity testing of human lung tumor cells using the MTT assay Cole S. P.
- The j. of biological chemistry v.272 no.3 Activation of a CrmA-insensitive, p53-sensitive pathway in ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis Datta R.;Kojima H.;Banach D.;Bump N.J.;Talanion R. V.;Alnemri E. S.;Weichselbaum R. R.;Wong W.W.;Kufe D.W.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. v.92 no.12 Transforming growth factor induces the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 through a p53-independent mechanism Datto M. B.;Yan Li;Panus J. F.;Howe D. J.;Xiong Y.;Wang Xiao-Fan
- Cell v.75 no.4 WAF1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression El-Deiry W. S.;Tokino-T.;Velcululesou-V. E.;Levy-V. E.;Parsons R.;Trent-J. M.;Lin. D.;Mercer-W. E.;Kinzler-K. W.;Vogelstein-B.
- Nature v.380 Sequential activation of ICE-like and CPP32-like proteases during Fas-mediated apoptosis Enari M.;Talanian R. V.;Wong W. W.;Nagata S.
- Cell v.73 no.3 Functional interactions of the retino-blastoma protein with mammalian D-type cyclins Ewen M. E.;Sluss H. K.;Sherr C. J.;Matsushime H. Kato J.;Livingston D. M.
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- Proc Natl. Acad Sci. v.88 no.22 Wild-type p53 can down-modulate the activity of various promoters Ginsberg D.;Mechta F.;Yaniv M.;Oren M.
- J. Hepatology v.26 no.6 Enhanced Apoptosis Relates to Bile Duct Loss in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Harada K.;Ozaki S.;Gershwin M. E.;Nakamura Y.
- Cancer Res. v.55 Mutant p53 but not Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Is present in Hepatitis B Virus related Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Henkler F.;Waseem N.;Golding M. H. C.;Alison M. R.;Koshy R.
- J. Hepatology v.19 no.6 Immunohistochemical detection of Fas antigen in liver tissue of patiens with chronic hepatitis C Hiramatsu N.;Hayashi N.;Katayama K.;Mochizuki K;Kawanishi Y.;Kasahara A.;
- J. Hepatlolgy v.21 Fulminant failure : Summary of a workshop Hoofnagle J.;Carithers R.;Shapiro C.;Ascher N.
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- The journal of immunology v.151 no.2 Effect of bcl-2 on Fas antigen-mediated cell death Itoh N.;Tsujimoto Y.;Nagata S.
- Cell v.88 Programmed cell death in animal development Jacobson M. D.;Weil M.;Raff M. C.
- Science(Washinton DC) v.256 Oncogenic forms of p53 inhibit p53-regulated gene expression Kern S. E.;Pietenpol J. A.;Thialingam S.;Seymour A.;Kinzler K. W.;Vogelstein B.
- J. Hepatology v.25 no.5 Nuclear DNA Fragmentation and Expression of Bcl-2 in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Koga H.;Sakisaka S.;Ohishi M.;Sato M.;Tanikow K.
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- Nature v.379 Interaction of Cdc2 and Cdc18 with a fission yeast ORC2-like protein Leatherwood J.;Lopez-Girona A.;Russel P.
- Gastroenterology v.112 Tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis during the poisoning of mice with hepatotoxins Leist M.;Gartner F.;Naumann H.;Bluthmann H.;Voget K.;Brigelrus-Flohe R.;Nicotera P.;Volk H. D.;Wendel A.
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- Cancer v.71 no.15 The prognostic significance of the proliferating nuclear antigen, epidermal growth factor receptor and mdr gene expression in colorectal cancer Mayer A.;Takimato M.;Fritz E.;Schellander G.;Kofler K.;Ludwig M.
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- J. Hepatology v.24 Fas antigen expression in liver tissues of patients with chronic hepatitis B Mochizuki K.;Hayashi N.;Hiramatsu N.;Katayama K.;Kawanishi K.;Kasahara A.;Fusamoto H.;Kamada T.
- Journal of immunologic methods v.65 no.1-2 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival : application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays Mosmann T
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- Nature v.369 The p21 inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase nomal controls DNA replication by interaction with PCNA Waga S.;Hannon G.J.;Beach D.;Stillman, B.
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