- 本草學 康秉秀(外)
漢藥의 藥理
$\cdot$ 成分$\cdot$ 臨床應用 陸昌洙(外) - 中藥材學 聶慶喜
- 中華人民共和國藥典 中華人民共和國衛生部藥典委員會
- 神農本草經 v.2 吳普
- 新編中藥大事典(第2冊) 新文豊出版公司
- 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁
- Chin. J. Physiol. v.11 no.1 本草中數種藥材對于大白鼠體溫之影響 Lousie G.Hutchins(外)
- 中藥 藥理與應用 王浴生
- 中藥硏究文獻摘要 劉壽山
- 臨床配合本草學 康秉秀(外)
- 植物學報 v.3 70種藥用植物抗菌效能的試驗 王嶽(外)
- Acta Physiol Sin v.22 Pharmacology of gentianine. I. Anti-inflammatory effect and action of pituitory-adrenal function of rat Sung C Y(外)
- 新醫藥學雜誌 中藥治療風濕病簡介 鄭複眞
- 中草藥通訊 秦艽注射液的制備及 臨床觀察板告 蘭洲東風制藥廳科技組
- 和漢藥物學 高木敬次郎
- The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs KEE CHANG HYANG
- 醫藥淸報 v.19 no.3 류마티스관절염의 病態生理 김호연
- 대한내과학회지 v.27 no.3 류마티양 관절염에서 혈청 c-반응성단백에 관한 연구 박석건(外)
- 整形外科學 大韓整形外科學
- 면역학 서울대학교 의과대학
- 頭面 脊椎 四肢病의 診斷과 治療 羅昌洙
- 醫藥淸報 v.19 no.3 류마티스 관절염의 정의와 원인 박원
- 家庭醫學 醫學敎育硏修院
- 대한내과학회지 v.36 no.6 류마티스 관절염의 면역병인의 최근 경향 김호연
- Clinical lmmunol lmmunopathol. v.73 Collagen-induced Arthritis as a model of reumatoid arthritis Durie, FH.;Fava, RA.;Noelle, RJ.
- Methods Enzymol v.162 Collagen-induced Arthritis in the mouse Wooley, PH.
- Clin Exp Immunol v.89 Acceleration of onset of Collagen-induced Arthritis by intra-articular injection of tumor necrosis factor or transforming growth factor-beta Cooper, WO.;Fava, RA.;Gates, CA;Cremer, MA.;Towns, AS.
- J Immunol. v.141 In vivo administration with IL-laccelerates the development of Collage-induced Arthritis in mice Hom, JT.;Brendele, AM.;Carlson, DG.
- Arthritis Rheum v.32 Enhanced production of interleukin-6 in mice with type ll Collagen-induced Aithritis Takai, Y.;Seki, N.;Senoh, H.;Yokota, T.;Lee, F.;Hmaoka, T.;Fujiwara, H.
- 醫門寶鑑 周命新
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 韓方物理療法學會誌 v.2 no.1 痺症의 分類와 洽療에 關한 考察 鄭錫熙(外)
- 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
- 景岳全書(上) 張介賓
- 實用中醫內科學 黃文東(外)
- 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院
- 痺證治驗 蔞多峰
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.1 痺證冶療의 用藥에 關한 小考 姜仁守
- 韓方物理療法科學會志 v.4 no.1 大羌活湯이 第II型 Collagen誘發 關節炎의 抗體에 미치는 影響 李昊根(外)
- 韓方物理療法科學會志 v.4 no.1 桂枝芍藥知母楊이 第ll型 Collagen誘發 關節炎의 抗體에 미치는 影響 申炳熙(外)
- 韓方物理療法科學會志 v.5 no.1 骨擔草가 第II型 Collagen誘發 關節炎의 抗體에 미치는 影響 嚴載元
- J lmmunol v.140 The human MHC-res-tricted cellular response to herpes simplex virus type 1 is mediated by CD4+, CD8-T cells and is restricted to the DR region of the MHC complex Schmid, D. S.
- Int. Arch. Allergy Apple. Immunol. v.86 Natural cytotoxicity in adult acute leukemia Soerskaar, D.;Foerre, Oe.;Albrechtsen, D.;Slavem, P.
- Transplantation v.5 The failure if thymus-derived cells to produce antibody Davis, A.J.S.(et al)
- Eur. J.Immunol. v.11 F4/ 80, a monoclonal antibody directed specifically against the mouse macrophage Austyn, J.M.;Gordon, S.
- Anat. Rec. v.210 The mononuclear phagocyte system of the mouse defined by immunohistochemical localisation of antigen F40/ 80:macrophages associated with epithelia Hume, D.A.;Perry, V.H.;Gordon, S.
- J. Cell. Sci. v.66 The mononuclear phagocyte system of the mouse defined by immunohistochemical localisation of antigen F40/80:macrophages of bone and associated connective tissue Hume, D. A.;Loutit, J. F.;Gordon, S.
- J. Reticuloendothel Soc. v.32 Characterization of the mannose/fucose receptor on human mononuclear phagocytes Shepherd, V. L.;Comphell, E. J.;Sienior, R. M.;Stahl. P. D.
- J. Cell. Biol. Yeast mannose inhibits binding and phagocytosis of zymosan by mouse peritoneal macrophages Suny, S. S. J.;NeIson, R. S.;Silverstein, S. C.
- Cell. Immunol. v.79 Persistent expression of lgA-antigen on a Subpopulation of murine resident peritoneal macrophages WaIker. W. S.;Hester, R. B.;Beelen, R.H.J.
- J. Vet. Med. v.834 Measuring phagocytic capacity in polymorphonu clear cell of the pig a comparison between different assay Winter, M.;Buschmann, H. G.
- J. Antibiot. v.41 Deoxyspergualin therapy in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice suffering advanced lupus-like disease Nemoto, K.;T Mae;T. Takeuchi
- Reticuloendothel. Soc. v.23 Macrophage growth factor and it's relationship to colony stimulation factor Stewart, C. C.;Lin. H.
- G.L. antihypertensive component Kubo. M.;Archi, S.
- 대한내과학회지 v.36 no.6 류마토이드 활액막내 혈관내피와 말초단핵세포간의 유착에 관한 연구 변정원(外)
- 實用中西醫結合診斷治療學 陳貴廷
- 痺證治驗 蔞多峰
- 圖解鄕藥(生藥)大事典(植物篇) 鄭普燮(外)
- 中藥學 顔正華
- 全國中草藥匯編 全國中草藥匯編 編寫組
- 新編中藥炮制法 馬興民
- 內蒙古中草藥 內蒙古自怡區革命委員會 衛生局
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 本草從新 吳儀洛
- 中藥大全 崔樹德
- 中藥무臨床應用 中山醫學院
- 增補本草備要 醫學硏究會
- 臨床實用中藥學 顔正華
- 實用中藥手冊 山東省人民醫院
- 現代實用中藥 葉橘泉
- Chinese Drug of PIant Origin W. Tang(外)
- 中華皮膚科雜誌 no.4 中藥水浸劑在試管內抗皮膚眞菌的觀察 曹仁烈(外)
- 中國醫學科學院 1956年 論文報告會論 文摘要 v.II 26種植物藥對于痲醉動物血壓的影響 李廳粹
- Jpn Kokai Tokyo Koho v.79 no.26 Antiinflammatory secoididoids Hayashi T(外)
- Planta Med v.60 no.5 Suppression of chemically and immunologically induced hepatic injuries by gentiopicroside in mice Kondo(外)
- Chung Hsi Chieh Ho Tsa Chih v.9 no.3 Observation on the treatment of systemic lupus erythematous with a Gentiana macropylla complex tablet and a minimal dose of prednisone Yuan ZZ(外)
- 카톨릭大學醫學部論文集 v.43 no.2 흰쥐에서 TyPe II Collagen으로 유발된 관절염의 임상양상 및 면역반응 박동준(外)
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- Arthritis Rheum v.35 Interactions between anticollagen antibodies and chondrocytes[see comments] Takai T.;Jasin HE.
- Proc Natl Acad sci USA v.89 Williams, RO.;Feldmann, M.;Maini, RN.
- Arthritis Rheum v.31 Increased helper inducer and decreased Suppressor inducer phenotypes in the rheumatoid joint[see comments] Lasky HP;Bauer K;Pope RM
- J Rheumatolol v.19 Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia after treatment of system lupus erythematosus with immunosuppressive agents Lipsky PE
The journal of Immunology
lnhibition of
$TNF-\alpha$ Expression by Adenosine Fereydoun G. Sajjadi(外) - 新면역학 입문 中島泉
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.12 no.2 Rheumatoid Arthritis에서 東醫治療가 過酸化物의 活性度에 미치는 影響 羅昌洙
- Pharmacol Rev v.43 Nitric Oxide:Physiology, pathophysiolosy, and pharmacology Moncada. S.;Palmer, R.M.J.;Higgs, E.A. :
- Anne. Rev. Biochem. v.63 NITRIC OXIDE:A Physiologic Messenger Molecule D.S.Bredt(外)
- 대한 면역학회지 v.15 no.1 마우스 대식세포에 의해 생성되는 Nitric Oxide(NO)가 마우스 림프구의 증식에 미치는 영향 이복수(外)
- Arthritis Rheum v.36 Nitric oxide and arthritis Stefanovic-Racic M;Stadler J,;Evans CH
- Clin Orthop v.312 Nitric oxide and its role in orthopaedic disease Evans CH;Stefanovic-Racic M;Lancaster J
- Immunomethods v.47 Nitric oxide;what role does it play in inflammation and tissue destruction? Evans CH;Stefanovic-Racic M