구침(九鍼)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

The study of the usage of Jiu-Zhen (九鍼)

  • 정기진 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 조현석 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 윤종화 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Jeong Ki-Jin (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Graduate school of Dongguk University) ;
  • Jo Hyeon-Seok (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Graduate school of Dongguk University) ;
  • Yoon Jong-Hwa (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Graduate school of Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.16


Going back to long chinese medical history, there were many different methods of treatment according to the origin of local chinese areas, such as Bian-Shi(?石) from east, herbal therapy from west, acupuncturing from south, moxibustion from north, and mainpulating therapy from middle china. In the midst of these therapies, acupuncture needling had developed very much both in theories, shapes, usages and also in theraputic boundray. Historical books dealing with acupuncture had introduced and used Jiu-Zhen as a tool for acupuncture needling in common. But there are some differences between each texts about in shape, use, and there are also another different point of view about the interrelationship between Bian-Shi and Ji-Zhen. So the author, in this research, tried to look for how Jiu-Zhen had took on its real kinds, adaptive usages, theraputic boundaries, many different skills of needing. By researching over ${\ulcorner}$ Ling-Shu, Jiu-Zhen(靈樞,九鍼)${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$ Ling-Shu, Jiu-Zhen-Shi- Yi-Yuan(靈樞,九鍼十二原)${\lrcorner}$, ${\ulcorner}$ Ling-Shu, Guan-Zhen(靈樞,官鍼)${\lrcorner}$, and by compar- ing them with the contents of Jiu-Zhen in ${\ulcorner}$ Zhen-Jiu-Yi-Jing(鍼灸甲乙經)${\lrcorner}$ ${\ulcorner}$Zhen-Jiu-Da-Cheng (鍼灸大成)${\lrcorner}$, the author discovered small conclusions such as following. 1. Taking Jiu-Zhen in a narrow sense, it only repesents nine different needle used in different cases. But in large sense, this means nine different deedling methods using each different needles which is represented in the form of Wu-Ci ( 五剌 ), Shi-Yi-Ci ( 十二剌 ) in ${\ulcorner}$ Ling-Shu, Guan-Zhen ${\lrcorner}$ 2. Jin-Zhen has been first originated from stone age as a substitute for Bian-Shi and through bronze and iron age, it followed a process of it's own shape and applicating functions. As an example, the moxibustional therapies shown in ${\ulcorner}$ Zu-Bi-Shi-Yi-Mai- Jiu-Jing ( 足臂十一脈灸經 )${\lrcorner}$ ${\ulcorner}$ Yin-Yang-Shi-Yi-Mai-Jiu-Jing ( 陰陽十一脈灸經)${\lrcorner}$ in ahead of ${\ulcorner}$ Nei-Jing ( 內經 )${\lrcorner}$ era, was relationship in acupuncturing skills and shape. So Jiu-Zhen had been originated on the base of Bian-Shi in ancient times to develop into delicate shape, skill, and theraputic foundation of modern oriental medicine.



  1. 鍼灸基礎理論과 臨床治療 洪錫殷
  2. 中國針灸通釋$\cdot$經典針灸學 康鎖彬
  3. 鍼灸醫學典論 金泰英
  4. 最新針灸學 金賢濟(외 3人)
  5. 鍼術入門 白充基
  6. 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
  7. 實用鍼灸學 李文端
  8. 鍼刺手法 李潤浩
  9. 鍼灸寶鑑 李鐘甲(編譯)
  10. 鍼灸治療學 林鍾國
  11. 實用鍼灸新醫療法大典 朱子楊;黃芸
  12. 中國針灸年紀(針灸文獻篇) 陣漢平
  13. 鍼灸學 崔容泰(외)
  14. 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植
  15. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
  16. 中國針灸刺灸法通鑒 黃龍祥