- 鍼灸銅人與銅人穴法 馬系興
- 鍼灸醫學史 林昭庚;언良
- 中國鍼灸史 郭世余
- 古今鍼灸治驗精華 陳克正
- 圓光大學校 韓醫學科 學位論文抄錄集 古典鍼灸銅像과 中國樹脂銅像의 比較硏究 金重完
- 韓國科學史學會紙 昌德宮 銅人에 대한 小考 鄭遇悅
- 實用鍼灸辭典 實用鍼灸辭典編委會
- 各家鍼灸義賊選 張吉
- 圖說 東洋醫學 經穴編 木下晴都;代田文彦
- 宮中遺物圖錄 文化財管理局
1. as following report, bronze-figure manufacture. started already in Jin(秦) monarchy. Bronze-figure had been existed in Ju(周) monarchy by ancient book, which is called Guem-In. And in 221 B.C., bronze-figure was manufactured. 2. In history, acu-figure was manufactured in 1027, Song(宋) Dynasty at first to study medicine. 3. ChunSeong acu-figure etc. were remade but new acu-figure was not. 4. GunRuang acu-figure, etc new acu-figure made in Jin Dynasty. 5. ChimGuem acu-figure are preserved in Korea at now.