슬관절(膝關節)의 퇴행성 관절염에 대한 고찰

A Study on Osteoarthritis of the Knee

  • 장준혁 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실) ;
  • 김경호 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.30


Osteoarthritis(degenerative joint disease), the most common arthropathy affecting the aged people, is characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage with proliferation and remodeling of subchondral bone. Osteoarthritis of the knee, which probably has greater social cost and more associated disability than osteoarthritis of any other joint, prevalence is known to increase with age, and females have higher rates than males; radiographic abnormalities are present in more than 30% of persons more than 65 years old, with approximately 40% of these persons symptomatic. Though the etiology of osteoarthritis is not entirely understood, much information is available regarding risk factors for the development of knee osteoarthritis that permit some reasonable guideline for preventive strategies. Traumatic damage or occupational or recreational overuse of knee joint may result in osteoarthritis, and obesity also is related to osteoarthritis of the knee. A variety of other possible risk factors for the development of knee osteoarthritis have been proposed, including increased bone mass, smoking, diseases such as diabetes or elevated serum uric acid, and some metabolic factors, but the contribustions of these and other factors such as smoking or race and diseases such as diabetes are as yet undetermined. The usual clinical manifestations include pain, stiffnesss, crepitus and loss of function. In oriental medicine, osteoarthritis of the knee is very similar to diseases such as Bijung(痺症), Haksulpung(鶴膝風), Youkjeolpung(歷節風) in symptoms. The diseases such as Bijung(痺症), Haksuipung(鶴膝風), Youkjeolpung(歷節風) is related to the of function liver(肝) and kidney(腎) and risk factors are regarded as Pung(風), Han(寒), sub(濕). The diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee has often been based on radiographic appearance and clinical manifestations. The acupuncture therapy of osteoarthritis of the knee has often been based on Stomach meridian(ST), Spleen meridian(SP), Kidney meridian(KI), Liver meridian(LR).



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