- 大韓針灸學會誌 v.14 no.2 實驗的 末梢神經 損傷後 神經症을 일으킨 白鼠에서 痛症反應에 미치는 電針의 效果 김재효;손인철;김경식;김민선;박병림
- 黃帝內經素問靈樞譯解 楊維傑(編)
- 鍼灸學(上) 崔容泰(外)
- 韓醫學原論 金完熙
- 東醫寶鑑 雜病篇 許浚
- 靈樞經校釋(下冊) 刺節眞邪篇 河北醫學院
- 韓醫學大辭典(基礎理論篇) 洪元植(等)
- 中國鍼灸治療學 邱茂良
- 靈樞經校釋(上冊) 九鍼十二原第一 河北醫學院
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.2 針刺로 誘發시킨 經氣變化의 技器的 測定 可能性 硏究 張敬善(外)
- 難經譯釋 中醫醫學(名著)
- 類經 張介賓
- 鍼灸學(下) 崔容泰(外)
- 鍼灸學 楊甲三
- 靈樞經校釋 根結篇 河北醫學院
- Brain Research v.549 Electrophysiological analysis of the ascending and descending components of the micturition reflex pathway in the rat Noto, H.;Roppolo, J.R.;Steersr, W.D.
- Exp. Neurology v.47 Electro-acupuncture suppression of jawdepression reflex elicited by dentalgia in rabbit David, T.H.;Josep, C.H.;Samuel, H.H.
- Pain v.15 Acupuncture has in analgesic effect in rabbit Han, J.;Zhou, Z.;Xuan, Y.
- Brain Research Bulletin v.30 The acupuncture point and its connecting central pathway for producing acupuncture anagesia Takeshige, C.;Oka, K.;Mizuno, T.
- Pain v.47 Effect of low and high frequency TENS on Metenkephalin-Arg-Phe and dynorphin A immunoreactivity in human lumber CSF Han, J.S.;Chin, X.L.;Xu, X.J.
- Brain reacherch v.47 Analgesia induced by electroacupuncture of different frequencies in mediated by different types of opioid receptors : another cross-tolerance study Chen, X.H.;Han, J.S.
- Amer. J. Chin. Med. v.1 Neurological basis of pain and its possible relationship to acupuncture anethesia Li, C.L.
- Advanced in Pain Research and Therapy Acupuncture hyperalgesia: evidence for activation of central control system as mechanism of action Mayer, D.J.;Prece, D.D.;Pafii, A.
- Brain Research v.549 Electroacupuncture in rats : evidence for naloxone and naltrexone potentiation of analgesia Bossut, D.F.;Huang, Z.S.;Sun, S.L.
- 中國科學 v.4 針刺鎭痛的神經生理學基礎 張香桐(等)
- 針刺痲醉 家원腦內注射納洛동對嗚배鎭痛和指針鎭痛的影向 周仲複(等)
- 針刺痲醉 家원中央灰質微量注射納洛동及氣茶內알對針刺鎭痛作用的影向 孫風節(等)
- Clinical preventive dentistry v.13 no.6 Multidisciplinary Patient care in Preventive Pentistry : Idiopathic Pental Reconsidered Leonard G.Horowitx;DMD;MA;MPH;Louise;Kehoe;BDS;MSc;Eli Jacibe;Lic Ac;Dipl Ac(NCCA)
- Int. Dent. J. v.28 no.1 New methods of pain measurement and their application to pain control Gracely, R.H.;Dubner, R.;McGrath, P.;Heft, M.
- Advances in Neurology v.4 Organization and function of a pain clinic Bonica, J.J.
- Free youself from pain Bresler, D.E.
- JADA v.59 The unreliability of pain as a symtom of dental pathology Sperber, N.D.
- Oral diagnosis Oral Medicine Mitchell, D.F.;Standish, S.M.;Fast, T.B.
- Science v.50 Pain mechanisms: a new theory Melzack, R.;Wall, P.
- Neurophysiological foundation of pain Melzack, R.;Dennis, S.G.;Stemback, R.A.(ed.)
- Pain and Behavioral Medicine: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective Rurk, D.;Meichenbaum, D.;Genest, M.
- Treating feaful dental patient : A patient Management Handbook Milgrom, P.;Weinstein, P.;Klenknecht, R.;Getz, T.
- Clin. Prev. Dent. v.7 no.1 Progressive relaxation and implosion therapy for dental phobias Horowitz, L.G.
- JADA v.116 Status report: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulations(TENS units in pain control) Council on Dental Materials, Instruments and Equipment
- 대한소아치과학회지 v.23 no.3 전기침이 구강동통에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 최용성;이창섭;송형건;이상호
- Churchill of Acupuncture v.12 no.4 Methods of assessing pain in animals;In Textbook of Pain Dubner, R.;Wall. P.D.;Melzack, R.
- Neuroscience v.36 no.1 The thresholds of the jawopening reflex and trigeminal brainstern neurous to tooth-pulp stimulation in acutely and chronically prepared cats Clarke, T.W.
- Archs. Oral. Biol. v.14 Reflex jaw opening response to stimulation of periodental mechnoreceptors in the cat Hannamm, A.G.;Matthews, B.
- Exp. Neuroral. v.29 Jaw depression elecite by tooth pulp stimulation Mahan, P.E.;Andersson, K.V.
- Pain v.9 Local electrical stimulation: Effective needling points fo suppressing jaw opening reflex in rat Toda, K.;Suda, H.;Ichioka, M.
- 中國鍼灸學槪要 啓業書局
- 經穴指壓과 脊椎矯正療法全書 高光哲
- 東醫學辭典 科學百科辭典綜合出版社
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- 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
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- 欽定四庫全書 鍼灸甲乙經 v.1 黃甫謐
- 鍼灸甲乙經校釋 黃甫謐
- 頭面脊椎 四肢病의 診斷과 治療 羅昌洙;李彦政;黃祐準;元眞淑
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.2 三叉神經痛의 鍼灸治療에 關한 文獻的 考察 邊宰煐;黃忠淵;文錫哉;金庚植
- 針灸經緯 楊維傑
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.2 治病要穴에 대한 文獻的考察 李殷洪