울금약침(鬱金藥針)이 백서(白鼠)의 간손상(肝損傷) 회복(恢復)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Aqua-acupuncture with Woolgum on the Recovery of Liver Injury in Rats

  • Ahn Young-Min (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangi University) ;
  • Park Hee-Soo (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangi University)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.30


These studies were carried out to observe the effect of Aqua-acupuncture with Woolgum extract on the recovery from liver injury of rats. The liver injury of rats induced with 0.5ml/200g carbon tetrachloride. The Aqua-acupuncture with Woolgum extract solution inserted into corresponding locus of the Kansu(BL18.) in Rats. Experimental group was divided into 4 groups: Normal group, $CCI_4$-intoxicated group, Saline treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated and Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. Biochemical assays for each serum enzyme activity of GOT, GPT, LDH, total protein, triglyceride, albumin, WBC, neutrophils, lymphocyte were performed. The results were as follows : 1. GOT was decreased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. In GOT activity, the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated showed higher level significant compared with the saline aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 2. GPT was decreased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. In GOT activity, the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated showed higher level significant compared with the saline aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 3. LDH was decreased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 4. Total protein increased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 5. Albumin was increased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. The saline aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated was not recognized as compared with $CCI_4$-intoxicated group. 6. Triglyceride was increased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 7. WBC was decreased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. In WBC count, the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture higher level significant compared with the saline aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 8. Lymphocyte was decreased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. 9. Neutrophils was increased with statistical significance in the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated. The saline aqua-acupuncture treated group after $CCI_4$-intoxicated was not recognized as compared with $CCI_4$-intoxicated group. From above results, it is suggested that the Woolgum aqua-acupuncture had significant effects on the injury induced by $CCI_4$.



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  19. 又石醫大雜誌 v.7 no.2 Carbon tetrachloride 毒性에 미치는 茵蔯蒿 및 人蔘의 效果 朴在憲(外)
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  24. Arch. Path. v.33 Effect of experimental cirrhosis on interahepatic circulation of blood in intact animal Wakim, K.G.;Mann, F.C.
  25. Ann. Int. Med. v.43 Serum giutamic transaminase oxaloacetic transaminase activity index of liver cell injury Wroblewsky, F.;La Due J.S.
  26. 柴胡淸肝湯이 $CCL_4$ 中毒 白鼠의 肝損傷에 미치는 影響 金德鎬
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  29. 慶熙韓醫大 論文集 v.2 百消丸 및 加味百消丸이 四鹽化炭素로 인한 白鼠 損傷肝에 미치는 影響에 관하여 文濬典
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  33. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.8 茵蔯水鍼이 四鹽化炭素에 損傷된 흰쥐 肝細胞에 미치는 影響 尹聖洙(外)
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  35. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.2 小柴胡湯 加 靑皮 水鍼이 $CCL_4$中毒 白鼠에 미치는 影響 朴新和(外)
  36. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.16 no.1 肝兪, 膽兪의 小柴胡湯 藥鍼處理가 $CCL_4$中毒 Rat의 肝機能恢復에 미치는 影響 吳世雄(外)
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  59. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Klaassen, C.D.
  60. Cell injury and cell death, in pathology Robins, S.L.
  61. Fed. Droc. v.32 Lipid peroxidation damage to Cell components Tappel, A.L.
  62. Am. J. Pathol. v.81 The Biochemical Pathology of liver cell necrosis Farber, J.L.;El-Mofty, S.K.
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  67. Acta. Helv. v.34 Paper chromatography and pharmacologic action of the pigments of Curcuma Pharm Jentzsch, K.;Holler, H.
  68. J. Sci. Ind. Research(India) v.15c Curcuma longa, in vitro antibacterial activity of curcumin and the essential oil Ramprased, C.;Sirsi, M.
  69. Arch. Exptl. Path. Pharmakol. v.181 The effect of some curcuma derivatives on biliary secretion Robbers, H.
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