한국산 Cercospora 및 관련 속의 분류학적 연구 (I)

Taxonomic Studies on Cercospora and Allied Genera in Korea (I)

  • 발행 : 1998.09.30


지금까지 국내에서는 Cercospora 및 관련 속의 진균을 여러 식물병리학자들이 산발적으로 보고하였으나, 이들에 대한 분류학적 연구가 체계적으로 이루어지지 못한 실정이다. 본 연구는 지금까지 보고된 한국산 Cercospora 및 관련 속의 진균을 최근의 분류체계에 따라 재검토하고 monograph를 작성하기 위하여 실시하였다. 각 시료는 1990년부터 국내에서 채집하여 고려대학교 농생물학과 진균표본보관소(SMK)에 보존하고 있다. 이번 보고에서는 Cercospora 5종, Mycovellosiella 1종, Passalora 1종 및 Pseudocercospora 3종에 대한 균학적 특징을 기재, 묘사하였다. 접시꽃에서 Cercospora althaeina, 땅콩에서 C. arachidicola, 겨자무에서 C. armoraciae, 당근에서 C. carotae, 나팔꽃에서 C. ipomoeae, 뺑쑥과 황해쑥 및 율무쑥에서 Mycovellosiella ferruginea, 박주가리에서 Passalora miurae, 두릅나무에서 Pseudocercospora araliae, 삼에서 P. cannabina, 그리고 왕머루와 포도에서 P. vitis를 각각 동정하였다.

The mycoflora of Korea, especially the cercosporoid taxa, have been poorly studied in the past. For this reason, a systematic revision of these taxa has been initiated, with the eventual aim of producing a monograph of the Korean cercosporoid taxa. The present study circumscribes ten species; viz., Cercospora althaeina, C. arachidicola, C. armoraciae, C. carotae, C. ipomoeae, Mycovellosiella ferruginea, Passalora miurae, Pseudocercospora araliae, P. cannabina and P. vitis. Distinguishing morphological characteristics are described and illustrated for each species.



  1. Plant Pathology Agrios, G.N.
  2. List of Plant Diseases in Korea Anonymous
  3. Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. v.3 Studies on Ramularia and allied genera (I) Braun, U.
  4. Nova Hedwigia v.47 Studies on Ramularia and allied genera (II) Braun, U.
  5. Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. v.4 Cercospora-like fungi on Cassia Braun, U.
  6. Nova Hedwigia v.50 Studies on Ramularia and allied genera (III) Braun, U.
  7. Cryptog. Bot. v.4 New genera of phytopathogenic Deuteromycetes Braun, U.
  8. Cryptog. Bot. v.3 Taxonomic notes on some species of the Cercospora complex (II) Braun, U.
  9. Nova Hedwigia v.56 Studies on Ramularia and allied genera (VI) Braun, U.
  10. Sydowia v.45 Revisiones Generum Obscurorum Hyphomycetum: A revision of Graphiothecium Fuckel and Stromatostysanus von Hohnel Braun, U.
  11. A Monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and Allied Genera (Phytopathogenic Hyphomycetes). Vol. 1 Braun, U.
  12. Mycotaxon v.55 Miscellaneous notes on phytopathogenic hyphomycetes (II) Braun, U.
  13. Sydowia v.48 no.2 Taxonomic notes on some species of the Cercospora complex (IV) Braun, U.
  14. Proc. Komarov Bot. Inst. v.20 Cercosporoid Fungi from Russia and Adjacent Countries Braun, U.;Melnik, V.A.
  15. Indian Phytopath. v.12 Contributions to our knowledge of the Cercospora of Bomboy state(II) Chiddarwar, P.P.
  16. A Monograph of the Fungus Genus Cercospora Chupp, C.
  17. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. v.50 New names in Mycosphaerella (M. arachidis and M. pruni-persicae) and validation of M. rosicola Deighton, F.C.
  18. Mycol. Papers v.112 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. II. Passalora, Cercosporiudium and some species of Fusicladium on Euphorbia Deighton, F.C.
  19. Mycol. Papers v.124 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. III. Centrospora Deighton, F.C.
  20. Pseudocercosporella gen. nov. and Pseudocercosporidium gen. nov. Mycol. Papers v.133 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. IV. Cercosporella Sacc Deighton, F.C.
  21. Mycol. Papers v.137 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. V. Mycovellosiella Rangel and a new species of Ramulariopsis Deighton, F.C.
  22. Cercoseptoria Petro Mycol. Papers v.140 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. VI. Pseudocercospora Speg., Pantospora Cif Deighton, F.C.
  23. Mycol. Papers v.144 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. VII. New species and redispositions Deighton, F.C.
  24. Mycol. Papers v.151 Studies on Cercospora and allied genera. VIII. Further notes on Cercoseptoria and some new species and redispositions Deighton, F.C.
  25. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. v.88 New species of Pseudocercospora and Mycovellosiella, and new combinations into Pseudocercospora and Mycovellosiella Deighton, F.C.
  26. Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes Ellis, M.B.
  27. More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes Ellis, M.B.
  28. Hyphales, Tuberculariaceae Stilbaceae. Fl. Ital. Crypt. Pars I: Fungi, Fasc. 6, J. Cenerlli Ferraris, T.
  29. Frankfurt v.3 Beitrage zur Mikologie Fresenius, G.
  30. The Genus Pseudocercospora in China Guo, Y.L.;Hsieh, W.H.
  31. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi Hawsksworth, D.L.;Kirk, P.M.;Sutton, B.C.;Pegler, D.N.
  32. Nato ASI Ser. v.296 Unitary Parameters in Conidiogenesis. Ascomycete Sytematic. Problems and Perpective in the Ninties Hennbert, G.L.;Sutton, B.C.;Hawksworth, D.L.(ed.)
  33. Cercospora and Similar Fungi from Taiwan Hsieh, W.H.;Goh, T.K.
  34. Can. J. Bot. v.31 Conidiophores, conidia, and classification Hughes, S.J.
  35. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, Extra Issue no.1 Cercospora of Japan Katsuki, S.
  36. Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti Kendrick, W.B.(ed.)
  37. Dr. Rabenhorst's KryptogamenFlora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Zweite Auflage. Erster Band: Pilze. Die Pilze Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. VIII. Abteilung: Fungi imperfecti: Hyphomycetes (erste Hiilfte), Mucedinaceae, Dematiaceae (Phaeosporae und Phaeodidymae) Lindau, G.
  38. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. v.79 Holoblastic phialides Minter, D.W.;Kirk, P.M.;Sutton, B.C.
  39. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. v.80 Thallic phialides Minter, D.W.;Kirk, P.M.;Sutton, B.C.
  40. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. v.81 What are phialides anyway? Minter, D.W.;Sutton, B.C.;Brady, B.L.
  41. Bull. Exp. Stat. Korea v.15 List of diseases of cultivated plants in Korea Nakata, K.;Takimoto, K.
  42. Coll. Agric. Chungnam Nat. Univ. Bull. no.1 Fungous Diseases of Plants in Korea (1) Park, J.S.
  43. Coll. Agric. Chungnam Nat. Uniu. Bull. no.2 Fungous Diseases of Plants in Korea (2) Park, J.S.
  44. Bull. Chungnam Nat. Univ. v.6 Fungous diseases of plants in Korea Park, J.S.
  45. Mycol. Papers v.160 Cercospora and similar fungi on yams (Dioscorea species) Pons, N.;Sutton, B.C.
  46. Michelia v.2 Conspectus generum fungorum Italiae inferriorum, nempe ad Sphaeropsideas, Melanconieas et Hyphomycetas pertinentium, systemate sporologico dispositorum Saccardo, P.A.
  47. Sylloge fungorum omnium hucusgue cognitorum. Vol. IV Saccardo, P.A.
  48. Kor. J. Plant Pathol. v.6 Identification of the casual fungus of sesame powdery mildew in Korea Shin, H.D.
  49. Kor. J. Plant Pathol. v.11 New fungal diseases of economic resource plants in Korea (II) Shin, H.D.
  50. Kor. J. Plant Pathol. v.11 New fungal diseases of economic resource plants in Korea (III) Shin, H.D.
  51. Kor. J. Plant Pathol. v.13 New fungal diseases of economic resource plants in Korea (IV) Shin, H.D.
  52. Mycotaxon v.49 Notes on Korean Cercosporae and allied genera (I) Shin, H.D.;Braun, U.
  53. Mycotaxon v.58 Notes on Korean Cercosporae and allied genera (II) Shin, H.D.;Braun, U.
  54. Biol. Monogr. v.12 no.1 Morphological studies of the genus Cercospora. III Solheim, W.G.
  55. Mycologia v.23 Cercospora studies. II. Some tropical Cercosporae Solheim, W.G.;Stevens, F.L.
  56. Ser. V. Ann. Mus. nac. Hist. nat. B. Aires v.20 Mycetes Argentinenses Spegazzini, C.
  57. Curr. Sci. v.31 A classification of the Hyphomycetes Subramanian, C.V.
  58. Mycopathologia v.125 IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, Set 119 Sutton, B.C.
  59. Sci. Rept. Hyogo Univ. v.4 no.2 Cercospora species in Japan Yamamoto, W.;Maeda, M.
  60. Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. v.86 no.3 Etude sur les champignons parasites du Sud-Est Asiatique. XV. Neuvieme note sur les Cercospora de Malaisie Yen, J.M.;Lim, G.
  61. Cryptog. Mycol. v.4 Studies on parasitic fungi from South East Asia. XXXXVIII: Cercospora and allied genera of Taiwan. VIII Yen, J.M.;Sun, S.K.