현상학적 방법에 의한 소규모 사업장 산업간호활동에 관한 연구

A Study on Occupational Nursing Services in Small Sacle Industry with Reference to Phenomenological Study

  • Published : 1998.03.01


This study was conducted to find qualitative approaches to occupational reference to group health practices. In-depth interviewing was done on 8 subjects health monitor members, owners and occupational nurses, respectively). The major findings were as follows; 1. Visiting health management Useful services were 'health counseling', 'medical examination', 'providing informations about managing diseases', 'agency business in relation to Labour Ministry' and 'giving a recognition about occupational health service to owners'. Insufficiencies were 'lack of treatment service after medical examination' and 'lack of follow up services constantly'. 2. Occupational nursing service Useful services were 'providing health information' and 'counselling about health'. Major contents of occupational nursing services were 'management of occupational and adult diseases' and 'explanation of the results after medical examination'. Insufficiencies were 'deficiency of the place where group health education could be performed', 'lack of additional or closer examinations needed in counselling' and 'discontinuous selection of additional or more exact examinations'. 3. Health monitor members Health monitor members in industries were classified into two. Some were selected by owners and the others were selected simply by considering their administrative abilities such as proficient management of documents. Their major tasks were to connect workers with occupational health management agencies. This study suggests that programs should be developed which enable health monitor members to cooperate with occupational nurses.
