Copper Uptake by Tyromyces palustris

Tyromyces palustris를 이용한 구리의 제거

  • Received : 1997.12.01
  • 발행 : 1998.03.30


In this research, the removal or uptake of heavy metals such as coppers by using oxalic acid metabolism of wood rot fungi, Tyromyces palustris were endeavored. As results, the addition of oxalic acid to copper containing culture did not cause the mycelium growth, but Tyromyces palustris was able to grow in this culture without inhibition. Tyromyces palustris grew with the cicular halo type in copper containing culture, and this type was formed as collectives after examining by microscope, and considered as copper oxalates by analyzing FT-IR comparison experiment with standards. According to this result, Tyromyces palustris has secreted oxalic acid during incubation, this secreted oxalic acid was combined with coppers, and formed copper oxalates by chelating reactions. In other words, the oxalic acid was might be as non-toxifying agent of coppers in medium. By using this copper removal mechanisms, Tyromyces palustris immobilized sawdust was used in bench scale air lift system for removing coppers. The added coppers were almost removed from the system within 72hrs. Therefore, this nonenzymatic wood degradation mechanism may give a possibility for removing coppers from copper containing waste water.
