A Literatural Studies on the Cause, Symptom and Treatment of the Freckles

雀斑의 原因, 症狀 및 治方에 關한 文獻的 考察

  • 박혜준 (東義大學校 外官科學 敎室) ;
  • 고우신 (東義大學校 外官科學 敎室)
  • Published : 19970900


Freckle is defined that it is one sort of dermatoses which appears in face, neck and the back of the hand et and is due to excess pigmentation. Likewise, Vitiligo and Cloasma belongs to dyspigmentation. Although dermatitis it self is a s1ight illness, the extent of studying dermatitis is quite extensive because it is connected direct1y with the patient's appearance. However there has not been a certain way yet. After taking into consideration of previous orienta1 medical doctor's views about freckle by refering to ten kinds of books inc1uding "Je-Bung-Won-Hu-Ron(諸病源候論)", it obtained some opinions which is about a synthetic views, and the difference in disease to discriminate about several different names, cause of disease, symptom and treatment. So it is report.
