聲音의 生理 病理에 關한 文獻的 考察

A Literature study on the language disturbance

  • 이원주 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室) ;
  • 김연진 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學) ;
  • 노석선 (大田大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室)
  • 발행 : 19970900


A Literature study on the language disturbance, the results are as follows; 1. Utterance was closely concerned not only the vocal organs(pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, lips, tongue, vocal cord etc,) but also five viscera{especially heart, lung, kidney etc.) in The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine. It is very like the vocal mechanism in Medical science. 2. In the language disturbance, It is classified with dysarthria and dysphasia in Medical science. But in Oriental medicine, it is expressed the language disturbance as coma-speech lessness, stiff tongue-speechlessness, frightening-speechlessness etc. Especially in Oriental medicine, Non-utterance is called aphasia in literature study. 3. In the concern of the language disturbance and five viscera, $Heart{\cdot}Lung{\cdot}Kidney$ are counted of first importence. In differential diagnosis, It is divided sthenia-syndrome and asthenia-syndrome. Sthenia-syndrome is classified with wind-cold, fire-evil, adverseness of vital energy, stagnation of phlegm, is easy to cure. Asthenia-syndrome is classified with sexual desire, anxiety-meditation, fear, is hard to cure. 4. The pathogenesis of dysphasia originated from two factors; The first internal damages are consumption of body fluid caused by lung-dryness and yin-dificiency of lung & kidney. The second disease caused by exogenous evjls is sluggishness of lung-energy. 5. In many using points of acupuncture of the language disturbance, the order is LI-4(合谷), H-7(神門), K-l(湧泉), L-3(太衝), K-3(太谿), S-6(三陰交), H-5(通里), G-15(아門), C-23(廉泉), S-40(豊降), K-6(照海), L-7(列缺), S-36(足三里) etc.
