고통(Suffering) 개념 분석

Concept Analysis of Suffering

  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


There is a need to define the concept of suffering more appropriate in the context of Korean culture. This research is an attempt to reanalyze the concept of suffering by applying Walker & Avant's process of concept analysis. The steps of concept analysis are : 1. Select a concept. 2. Determine the aims or purpose of the analysis. 3. Identify all uses of the concept that you can discover. 4. Determine the defining attributes. 5. Construct model, contrary, borderline, related and invented cases. 6. Identify antecedents and consequences. 7. Define empirical referents. The concept of suffering can be defined as follows: Suffering is a fundamental and inevitable experience of all human beings. When each individual experiences loss, damage and pain which threaten one's personal integrity, suffering is perceived differently among each individual depending on their personal inner factors, one's significant others, exterior circumstances and stimuli, and the ultimate meaning of life. Suffering brings severe and unendurable distress which accompany despair, powerlessness, anxiety, bitterness, fear, anguish, guilt, depression, withdrawal and anger. The attributes of suffering were analyzed. Model case, contrary case, borderline case, related case, and invented case were described. Antecedents, consequences and empirical referents were explored. This concept analysis provides data for new insights of suffering. These findings suggests that appropriate nursing interventions aimed at relieving suffering of patients need to be developed and implemented more widely.
