학교건물의 노후화에 따르는 개축 판정에 관한 모델의 정립

School-Building Remodelling Model using Discriminant Analysis - A Case Study for Class Rooms in School Building -

  • 발행 : 1997.12.29


The objective of this paper is to construct a model to be used in deciding whether to repair or rebuild school buildings is depending on their ages and other factors. The theme of this paper is the age is the main variable but other factors such as floor, innerwall, ceiling, door, inner window of the class room, outer window of the class room, inner window of the corridor, outer window of the corridor, middle window between the classroom and the corridor, light, heater, speaker, fire protection sensor, TV monitor, and telephone status would influence the final decisions. This paper employs an experimental case study method. Using the stepwise, statistical, classification method commonly used in discriminant analysis, it evaluates 12,766 rooms of 87 different high schools in Seoul. The result of this study indicates that some critical variables influencing the final decisions are the status of TV monitor, middle window between the classroom and the corridor, light, inner window of the corridor, fire protection sensor, innerwall, speaker utensil, outer window of the class room, and door of the class room. This paper also suggests a linear discriminant function will be used for this kind of studies. Finally the paper recommends policies with respect to the variables and discriminant functions evaluated.
