On the Length Scale and the Wall Proximity Function in the Mellor-Yamada Level 2.5 Turbulence Closure Model for Homogeneous Flows

  • Published : 1997.06.30


Relation between the length scale and the wall proximity function in the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure model has been investigated through various experiments using a range of wall proximity functions. The model performance has been evaluated quantitatively by comparing with laboratory data for wind-driven flow (Baines and Knapp, 1965) and for open-channel flows without and with adverse wind action (Tsuruya, 1985). Comparison shows that a symmetric wall proximity function used by Blumberg and Mellor(1987) gives rise to current profiles with better accuracy than asymmetric wall proximity functions considered. It is noted that in modelling homogeneous flows the length scale 1= 0.31${\|}$z${\|}$(1+z/h) can be used with tolerable accuracy.
