사과산업의 비교우위적 발전전략;일선 농촌지도 사례를 중심으로

The Development Strategy of Apple Industry in Ponghwa

  • 발행 : 1997.12.31


Under the WTO system in the world, our country's apple industry must be set in quite a new aspect. For new apple industry with competition power, we should establish apple industry development strategies as follows. First, to change the present apple trees to the lowered or dwarf tree with high density planting system using M9 rootstocks. Second, to expand the size of apple orchard management and to bring up as professional apple farmers. Third, to develop the integrated apple production system considering environment and human being. Fourth, to innovate improved harvest, storage and shipment system. Finally, Rural Extension Institution should activate the farmer's training and produce the apple nursery trees of better quality.
