Several Factors on Growth of Radish and Absorption and Translocation of Chromium

크롬이 무의 생육과 흡수이행에 미치는 몇가지 요인

  • Han, Kang-Wan (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Cho, Jae-Young (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • You, Young-Sun (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chonbuk National University)
  • Published : 1997.12.30


Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of chromium application level, soil pH change, soil topping, application of some metals and application of organic matter on the absorption of chromium by radish and its growth. The results of experiments are summarized as following. Application of chromium as potassium dichromate up to 50 mg/kg did not affect the germination of radish seed. Application of chromium above this level affected the germination abversely. The dry matter yield of and absorption of chromium by radish was not affected by the application of chromium up to 100 mg/kg. Increased in soil pH decreased the uptake of chromium by radish under all range of chromium application rates. Under acidic condition (pH 5-6), the increase in the application of chromium resulted in the increase in the uptake of chromium by radish and lowering of dry matter production of radish. However, under alkaline condition (pH 7-8), increased application of chromium did not affect the uptake of chromium and the dry matter yield of radish. The application of Zn, Fe and Cu, up to 100 mg/kg did not affect not affect the uptake of chromium and dry matter yield of radish. The topping of soil with untreated soil after application of chromium up to five cm, did not affect the chromium uptake of radish, the same treatments tended to increase the dry matter yield of radish. The application of organic fertilizer(obtained from local market) up to the amount equivalent to 3000 kg/ha, although increased the dry matter yield of radish, did not affect the uptake of chromium by radish significantly. All the treatments tested in this study did not affect the translocation of chromium between root and shoot of radish.

우리나라에서 가장 많이 소비되고 있는 채소중의 하나인 무를 실험종으로 선택하여 토양중 크롬의 농도, 토양 pH, 공존중금속 첨가, 복토, 유기물처리의 요인을 변수로 하여 무의 생육상태 및 무에 의한 크롬의 흡수이행량 차이를 조사하였다. 무종자의 발아율은 크롬농도 50mg/kg에서는 발아에 영향이 없었으나 100% 이상이었으며, 250mg/kg에서는 63% 정도의 발아율을 나타내었다. 토양중에 처리된 크롬농도가 증가할수록 무의 초장, 근장, 건물량이 감소하는 경향이었으며 크롬농도 100mg/kg 까지는 대조구와 비슷하게 생육하였으나 크롬농도 250mg/kg에서 건물량의 약 45%의 생육저해가 나타났다. 토양 pH가 증가함에 따라 무로 흡수이행되는 크롬의 함량이 감소하는 역의 상관을 나타내었으며(줄기: $r=-0.803^*$, 뿌리: $r=-0.840^*$) Fe, Zn, Cu와 같은 공존이온 첨가시 무의 생육 및 흡수이행되는 크롬함량간에 유의성이 인정되지 않았다(줄기, 뿌리 P>0.1). 복토, 유기물처리를 하였을 경우 대조구에 비하여 생육상태가 진전되었으며, 복토처리시 무로의 흡수이행량은 큰 차이를 나타내지 않은 반면에 유기물 처리시 무로 흡수이행되는 크롬의 함량이 감소하는 경향이었다.
