Applied Microscopy
- Volume 27 Issue 2
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- Pages.189-196
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- 1997
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- 2287-5123(pISSN)
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- 2287-4445(eISSN)
Ultrastructural Study of Induced Otic Vesicle from Isolated Xenopus Presumptive Ectoderm
Xenopus 초기배의 이낭과 동물극분리배양에서 유도된 이낭간의 형태비교
- Yoon, Chun-Sik (Dept. Life Science Pohang University of Science and Technology) ;
- Kim, Hong-Duck (Inst. Molecular and Cellular Biosciences University of Tokyo) ;
- Cheong, Seon-Woo (Dept. Biology Changwon National University)
- Published : 1997.06.01
The ultrastrucures of Xenopus otic vesicle from normal embryo (st. 43) and induced otic vesicle from animal cap assay with Activin A were compared. Activin A was applied to the presumptive ectoderm at various concentrations for three days at