The Effect of Environmental Factors upon Children's Visual Acuity

어린이 시력과 생활 환경과의 관계에 관한 연구

  • Kang, H.S. (Dept. of Ophthalmic Optics, Taegu Health Junior College) ;
  • Seo, Y.W. (Dept. of Ophthalmic Optics, Taegu Health Junior College) ;
  • Kang, I.S. (Dept. of Ophthalmic Optics, Taegu Health Junior College)
  • 강현식 (대구보건전문대학 안경광학과) ;
  • 서용원 (대구보건전문대학 안경광학과) ;
  • 강인산 (대구보건전문대학 안경광학과)
  • Published : 1997.12.31


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of environmental factors on 380 children's unaided visual acuity and to determine the visual acuity and objective refraction error of these children. The unaided visual acuity and objective refraction error were measured by the TOPCON chart projector and refractometer on 147 kindergarteners and 233 primary school children ranging from age 5 to 12. The measurement on the unaided visual acuity of children were 3% for below the 0.1 visual acuity 9% for 0.1~0.4. 18% for 0.5~0.7. 16% for 0.8~0.9. and 54% for over 1.0 visual acuity respectively. The refractive errors were 9.35% for mixed astigmatism. 14.5% for hyperopia 75.88% for myopia. and 0.27% for emmetropia. respectively. When analyzing the environmental factors. the relationship between the children's visual acuity and the number of hours the children watched TV. the more hours they watched TV. the more the children lost their visual acuity. The visual acuity of children decreased abruptly in the groups that watched TV more than 4 hour a day. When comparing the relationship between the children's visual acuity and proximity to the TV, the further away from the TV they were the higher visual acuity. There is rna relation between the children's visual acuity and the studying hour or reading hour of children. The relationship between the children's visual acuity and their dwelling environment, the visual acuity of children who lived in an independent house were better than the visual acuity of children who dwelled in an apartment.

5~12세의 유치원 어린이 147명, 초등학교 어린이 233명, 총 380명의 나안시력과 타각적 굴절 이상도를 측정하고, 환경적 요인들이 어린이 나안시력에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 전체적으로 나안시력이 0.1 미만은 3%, 0.1~0.4는 9%, 0.5~0.7은 18%, 0.8~0.9는 16%, 1.0 이상은 54%로 나타났고, 굴절이상은 혼합난시 9.5%, 원시 14.5%, 근시 75.88%, 정시 0.27%로 나타났다. TV 시청시간과 어린이 나안시력과는 시청시간이 많을수록 시력이 저하하였고, 특히 4시간 이상에서 현저하게 나안사력이 저하하는 협상이 나타났다. TV 시청거리와 어린이 나안시력과의 관계에서는 시청거리가 멀어질수록 나안시력이 좋았고, 4m 이상에서는 나안시력이 훨씬 더 좋은 상태로 나타났다. 공부시간과는 유의적인 관계가 없었으며, 주거환경과 어린이 나안시력과의 관계에서는 단독주택에서 사는 어 린 이들이 APT의 어린이들보다 시력이 좋게 나타났다.
