Considerations on Mathematics as a Practice

실천으로서의 수학에 대한 소고

  • Published : 1997.01.01


A practice is classified into the practice as a content and the practice as a method. The former means that the practical nature of mathematical knowledge itself should be a content of mathematics and the latter means that one should teach the mathematical knowledge in such a way as the practical nature is not damaged. The practical nature of mathematics means mathematician's activity as it is actually done. Activities of the mathematician are not only discovering strict proofs or building axiomatic system but informal thinking activities such as generalization, analogy, abstraction, induction etc. In this study, it is found that the most instructive ones for the future users of mathematics are such practice as content. For the practice as a method, students might learn, by becoming apprentice mathematicians, to do what master mathematicians do in their everyday practice. Classrooms are cultural milieux and microsoms of mathematical culture in which there are sets of beliefs and values that are perpetuated by the day-to-day practices and rituals of the cultures. Therefore, the students' sense of ‘what mathematics is really about’ is shaped by the culture of school mathematics. In turn, the sense of what mathematics is really all about determines how the students use the mathematics they have learned. In this sense, the practice on which classroom instruction might be modelled is that of mathematicians at work. To learn mathematics is to enter into an ongoing conversation conducted between practitioners who share common language. So students should experience mathematics in a way similar to the way mathematicians live it. It implies a view of mathematics classrooms as a places in which classroom activity is directed not simply toward the acquisition of the content of mathematics in the form of concepts and procedures but rather toward the individual and collaborative practice of mathematical thinking.

실천은 내용으로서의 실천과 방법으로서의 실천으로 분류된다. 수하의 실천적 본질은 실제로 행하여진 수학자의 활동을 의미한다. 방법으로서의 실천을 위해서 학생들은 수학자의 도제가 된 입장에서 수학을 마치 수학자가 일상에서 하듯 배울 수도 있다. 수학을 배운다는 것은 공통의 언어를 공유하는 실천가들 사이에 진행되는 대회에 들어가는 것을 의미한다. 수학 교실의 모습은 수학의 내용을 개념과 절차의 형태로 획득하늘 활동으로 이루어지는 것이 아니라 수학적 사고의 개인적 실천과 협동적 실천으로 이루어져야 한다.
