Preparation and Characterization of LiMn₂O₄ Powder by Combustion of Poly(ethylene glycol)-Metal Nitrate Precursor

  • 발행 : 1997.06.20


$LiMn_2O_4$ powders were prepared by burning and subsequent calcination of PEG-metal nitrate precursor. After the burning stage of the precursor, some minor phases such as $Mn_2O_3$ (or $Mn_3O_4$), MnO, and carbonate were formed and single phases of $LiMn_2O_4$ were obtained by further calcinations above 400 ℃. From thermal analysis of the precursor, a violent thermal decomposition, which was indicated by a drastic weight loss accompanied by a sharp and strong exothermic peak, was observed and probably caused by an oxidation-reduction reaction between oxidizer and fuel. The formation of the minor phases could be explained in terms of the burning behavior of the precursor by employing valence concepts of propellant chemistry. The calcined powders were composed of submicron-sized but highly agglomerated particles and showed very broad particle size distribution.



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