Barrier Height from Ⅴ-Ⅰ Characteristics of Semiconductor Contact: Reaction of Absorbed Oxygen with Carbon Monoxide on ZnO (1010)

  • 발행 : 1997.02.20


Barrier height on the surface was monitored at 77 K by observing the inflection of V-I characteristics of ZnO(1010)-ZnO(1010) contact in the surface reaction of oxygen species with carbon monoxide. The contact showed inflections at 10-20 mV and 10-50 mV for the sample adsorbed oxygen at 298 K and 573 K, respectively. When the sample adsorbed oxygen at 573 K was exposed to carbon monoxide at 298 K and 573 K, inflections were observed at 10-40 mV and 10-30 mV, respectively. The results indicated that the adsorption of oxygen on ZnO increased the surface barrier height, and the reaction of carbon monoxide with the oxygen-preadsorbed (at 573 K) ZnO decreased the surface barrier height.



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