중세 이후의 서양 논리사

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


This paper is a sequel to [5]. We investigate a relation between the history of modern western logic and religion. The period from the seventeenth century to the present day is dominated by science; traditional religious beliefs remain important, but are felt to need justification, and are modified wherever science seems to make this imperative.



  1. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought G. Boole
  2. 수학의 위대한 순간들 H. Eves;허민(옮김);오혜영(옮김)
  3. Annals of Mathematics Studies v.3 The consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis K. Godel
  4. 서양철학사 B. Russell;한철하(옮김)
  5. Historia Math v.10 고대와 중세의 서양 논리사 이승온;이석종;정창훈