Evaluation of Concrete Degradation Under Disposal Environment

  • Keum, D.K. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Cho, W.J. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Hahn, P.S. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


The effects of three mechanisms, calcium depletion, sulphate and carbonate penetration, on the concrete degradation have been studied. The shrinking core model (SCM) and the HYDROGEOC. HEM (HGC) model have been applied to evaluate how fast the mechanisms proceed. The SCM is an analytical approximation model and the HGC is a numerical mass transport model coupled with chemical reaction. The SCM leads to more conservative results than the HGC, and turns out to be very useful in the viewpoint of simplicity and conservatism. During 300 years, calcium has been depleted within 10 cm from the concrete outer surface, and sulphate has penetrated less than 13.5 cm into the concrete. Carbonate has not penetrated own 7 cm into the concrete in contact with the bentonite, and, furthermore, its penetration into the concrete with the groundwater is negligible. Conclusively, the concrete is expected to maintain its integrity for at least 300 years that are regarded as institutional control period of intermediate and low-level radioactive waste repository.



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