Development of STI/AOT Optimization Methodology and an Application to the AFWPs with Adverse Effects

  • Published : 1997.06.01


Adverse effects caused by the surveillance test for the components of nuclear power plant involve plant transients, unnecessary wear, burden on licensee's time, and the radiation exposure to personnel along with the characteristics of each component. The optimization methodology of STI and AOT has been developed and applied to AFWPs of a reference plant. The approach proposed in this paper consist of the resole in minimal mean unavailability of the two-out-of-four system with adverse effects are analytically calculated for the example system. The surveillance testing strategy are given by the sequential test, the staggered test and the train staggered test which is a mined test scheme. In the system level, the sensitivity analyses for the STI and AOT, are performed for the measure of the system unavailability of the top event in the fault tree developed for the example system. This methodology may contribute to establishing the basis for the risk-based regulations.



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