Tracer Concentration Contours in Grain Lattice and Grain Boundary Diffusion

  • Kim, Yong-Soo (Hanyang University Department of Nuclear Engineering) ;
  • Donald R. Olander (University of California, Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


Grain boundary diffusion plays a significant role in fission gas release, which is one of the crucial processes dominating nuclear fuel performance. Gaseous fission produce such as Xe and Kr generated during nuclear fission have to diffuse in the grain lattice and the boundary inside fuel pellets before they reach the open spaces in a fuel rod. These processes can be studied by 'tracer diffusion' techniques, by which grain boundary diffusivity can be estimated and directly used for low burn-up fission gas release analysis. However, only a few models accounting for the both processes are available and mostly handle them numerically due to mathematical complexity. Also the numerical solution has limitations in a practical use. In this paper, an approximate analytical solution in case of stationary grain boundary in a polycrystalline solid is developed for the tracer diffusion techniques. This closed-form solution is compared to available exact and numerical solutions and it turns out that it makes computation not only greatly easier but also more accurate than previous models. It can be applied to theoretical modelings for low bum-up fission gas release phenomena and experimental analyses as well, especially for PIE (post irradiation examination).



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